Varian Turbo-V 2000 ICE Mode D'emploi

Varian Turbo-V 2000 ICE Mode D'emploi

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Turbo-V 2000 ICE
Model 969-9125
Model 969-9126
Model 969-9127
APRIL 2002


Table des Matières

Sommaire des Matières pour Varian Turbo-V 2000 ICE

  • Page 2 Turbo-V 2000 ICE...
  • Page 5: Table Des Matières

    ISTRUZIONI PER L’USO ....................1 GEBRAUCHSANLEITUNG ....................3 MODE D’EMPLOI ........................ 5 INSTRUCCIONES DE USO ....................7 INSTRUÇÕES PARA O USO ....................9 GEBRUIKSAANWIJZINGEN ..................... 11 BRUGSANVISNING ......................13 BRUKSANVISNING......................15 BRUKERVEILEDNING ...................... 17 KÄYTTÖOHJEET ......................19 PDHGIES CRHSEWS ......................21 INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE....................
  • Page 6: Informazioni Generali

    PVD o generalmente per applicazioni in cui si richieda un − umidità relativa: 0 - 95% (non condensante) vuoto "pulito". Contattare Varian Vacuum Technologies o il Se il tempo di immagazzinamento è molto lungo, avviare la vostro fornitore per altre applicazioni.
  • Page 7 Le pompe turbomolecolari della serie Turbo-V2000 ICE devono tossici, infiammabili o radioattivi, seguire le appropriate essere utilizzate solo con uno degli appositi controllori Varian procedure tipiche di ciascun gas. Non usare la pompa in (serie 969-9448, 969-9449) e devono essere collegate ad una presenza di gas esplosivi.
  • Page 8: Vor Der Installation

    Nichtbeachtung -auch teilweise- der enthaltenen Hinweise, unsachgemäßem Gebrauch durch ungeschultes Personal, nicht autorisierten Eingriffen und Mißachtung der einheimischen, hier zur Geltung kommenden Bestimmungen übernimmt die Firma Varian keinerlei Haftung. Bei den Pumpen der Serie Turbo-V2000 ICE handelt es sich Turbomolekularpumpen für Hoch- Ultrahochvakuumanwendungen.
  • Page 9 22 Nm ANMERKUNG M10-Gewinde Vor dem Versand einer defekten Pumpe an die Fa. Varian mufl Die Turbopumpe mit Eintrittsflansch ISO F 250 (bolted) ist an das Formular "Sicherheit und Gesundheit", das diesem Hand- der Vakuumkammer mit 12 Mutterschrauben M10 zu befesti- buch beiliegt, ausgef¸llt an Varian geschickt und best‰tigt wer-...
  • Page 10: Indications Generales

    Varian, avant d'utiliser l'appareil. Varian décline par conséquent toute responsabilité en cas d'inobservation totale ou partielle des instructions données, d'utilisation incorrecte de la part d'un personnel non formé, d'opérations non autorisées ou d'un emploi contraire aux...
  • Page 11: Utilisation

    "advanced exchange service", remplir et faire prévus à cet effet. Pour tous autres détails, se reporter à parvenir au bureau local Varian la fiche "Sécurité et Santé" l'appendice "Technical Information". annexée à la présente notice d'instructions. Une copie de cette Pour l'installation des accessoires en option, voir "Technical...
  • Page 12: Información General

    Varian antes de utilizar el equipo. Varian se considera libre de cualquier responsabilidad debida al incumplimiento total o parcial de las instrucciones, al uso poco...
  • Page 13 Cuando la bomba se utiliza para bombear gases tóxicos, deberán utilizar sólo con uno de los controladores apropiados inflamables o radioactivos, seguir los procedimientos Varian (serie 969-9448, 969-9449) y se deberán acoplar a una apropiados típicos de cada gas. bomba primaria (véase esquema en "Technical Information".
  • Page 14: Instalação

    Varian antes de usar a aparelhagem. A Varian não se responsabiliza pela eventual inobservância total ou parcial das instruções, pelo uso indevido por parte de pessoas não treinadas, por operações não autorizadas ou pelo uso contrário às normas...
  • Page 15 M10 Em caso de defeito é possível usufruir do serviço de reparação Varian ou do "Varian advanced exchange service", que permite A turbo-bomba com flange de entrada ISO F 250 (bolted) deve obter uma bomba regenerada que substitua a bomba com ser fixada à...
  • Page 16: Installatie

    Varian verstrekte informatie door te lezen alvorens het apparaat in gebruik te nemen. Varian acht zich niet aansprakelijk voor de gevolgen van het niet of gedeeltelijk in acht nemen van de aanwijzingen, onoordeelkundig gebruik...
  • Page 17 Dubbele klem met M10 22 Nm In geval van storing is het mogelijk om de reparatiedienst van schroefdraad Varian of de "Varian advanced exchange service" in te Enkelvoudige klem met 22 Nm schakelen: zo krijgt men een ruilpomp ter vervanging van de M10 schroefdraad defecte pomp.
  • Page 18: Brugsanvisning

    Brugeren bedes læse denne håndbog samt enhver yderligere vejledning, Varian har leveret, inden udstyret tages i brug. Varian er ikke ansvarlig, hvis vejledningen ikke er nøje fulgt, eller hvis den kun er delvist fulgt, og heller ikke hvis udstyret anvendes forkert af ukvalificeret personale, hvis der foretages uautoriserede indgreb på...
  • Page 19 Turbomolekulærpumperne i Turbo-V2000 ICE serien må kun Når pumpen anvendes til pumpning af giftige, brandfarlige eller anvendes med en af de særlige Varian kontrolapparater (serie radioaktive gasser, skal de gældende forskrifter for den enkelte 969-9448, 969-9449) og skal forbindes med en primær pumpe gastype strengt overholdes.
  • Page 20: Bruksanvisning

    Användaren bör läsa denna bruksanvisning, samt övrig dokumentation från Varian före användning av utrustningen. Varian tar inget ansvar för skador helt eller delvis till följd av åsidosättande av instruktionerna, olämplig användning av person utan tillräcklig kunskap, obehörigt bruk av utrustningen eller hantering som strider mot gällande lokala föreskrifter.
  • Page 21 Se bilagan “Technical information“ för ytterligare “Technical information”). upplysningar. Turbomolekylärpumparna i serien V2000 ICE måste användas med en särskild styrenhet från Varian (serie 969-9448, 969- VARNING! 9449), och anslutas till en förpump (se schemat " Technical information "). Då pumpen används för pumpning av giftiga, lättantändliga Turbopumpen kan installeras i valfri position.
  • Page 22: Brukerveiledning

    Dette utstyret er beregnet til bruk av profesjonelle brukere. Brukeren bør lese denne brukerveiledningen og all annen informasjon fra Varian før utstyret tas i bruk. Varian kan ikke holdes ansvarlig for hendelser som skjer på grunn av manglende oppfølging av disse instruksjonene, selv delvis, feilaktig bruk av utrent personell, ikke autoriserte endringer av utstyret eller handlinger som på...
  • Page 23 Turbo-V2000 ICE serien turbo-molekulære pumper må kun Ved pumping av etsende gasser er disse pumpene utstyrt med brukes med en av de spesielle Varian kontrollere (serie 969- en spesiell åpning. Til denne åpningen skal flyt av inaktive 9448, 969-9449), og må koples til hovedpumpen (se skjema i gasser (argon eller kvelstoff) koples for å...
  • Page 24: Yleisiä Tietoja

    Tämä laite on tarkoitettu ammattimaiseen käyttöön. Ennen laitteen käyttöönottoa tulee käyttäjän lukea huolellisesti mukana seuraava käyttöohje sekä kaikki muu Varianin toimittama lisätieto. Varian ei ota vastuuta seurauksista, jotka johtuvat laitteen käyttöohjeiden täydestä tai osittaisesta laiminlyönnistä, ammattitaidottoman henkilön virheellisestä laitteen käytöstä, valtuuttamattomista toimenpiteistä...
  • Page 25 Mikäli magneettikenttijä on läsnä pumppu tulee suojata tähän tarkoitukseen olevilla suojilla. Lisätietoja löytyy “Technical Information“-liitteestä. VAARA! Sarjan V2000 ICE turbomolekyylipumppuja tulee käyttää ainoastaan niihin sopivien varian valvojien kanssa (sarja 969- Jolloin pumppua käytetään myrkyllisten, tulenvaarallisten ja 9448, 969-9449) niiden täytyy olla yhdistettyinä...
  • Page 26 Varian, prin apÒ th crhsimopo∂hsh thj suskeuˇj. H Varian den f◊rei kam∂a euqÚnh Òson afor£ thn olikˇ ˇ merikˇ aq◊thsh twn odhgièn, thn akat£llhlh crˇsh ek m◊rouj anekpa∂deutou proswpikoÚ, auqa∂retej epemb£seij ˇ crˇsh pou den sumfwne∂ me touj eidikoÚj eqnikoÚjkanonismoÚj.
  • Page 27 Plhrofor∂ej¯). Oi tourmpomoriak◊j antl∂ej thj seir£j Turbo-V2000 ICE pr◊pei na crhsimopoio⁄ntai m“no me ◊nan ap“ touj eidiko⁄j ! ! ! ! elegkt◊j Varian (seir◊j 969-9448, 969-9449) kai pr◊pei na KINDUNOS KINDUNOS! KINDUNOS KINDUNOS e∂nai sundedem◊nej me m∂a prwte⁄ousa antl∂a (bl◊pe scˇma Otan h antl∂a crhsimopoie∂tai gia thn £ntlhsh toxikËn,...
  • Page 28: General Information

    Varian before operating the equipment. Varian will not be held responsible for any events occurring due to non-compliance, even partial, with these instructions, im- proper use by untrained persons, non-authorized interference with the equipment or any action contrary to that provided for by specific national standards.
  • Page 29 MAINTENANCE Fix the turbopump in a stable position connecting the inlet The Turbo-V 2000 ICE series pump does not require any main- flange of the turbopump to a fixed counter-flange capable of tenance. Any work performed on the pump must be carried out withstanding a torque of 20.000 Nm around its axis.
  • Page 30: Technical Information

    All aluminium pump parts directly in contact with the process gas are protected against corrosion by a special protective polymeric coating. The film, the Varian patented Armorr Coating, is deposited by a special and proprietary PVD process that ensures an outstand uniformity without any impact on the pump unbalance.
  • Page 31: Technical Specification

    TECHNICAL INFORMATION TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION The following figure shows the Turbo-V2000 ICE outline dimensions. The dimensions arte indicated in mm (inches). 87-900-915-01(E)
  • Page 32 TECHNICAL INFORMATION Pumping speed : 1950 l/s Bakeout tempera- 80° C at inlet flange (ISO flange) He: 2000 l/s ture 120° C at inlet flange (CF flange) : 1500 l/s Max rotor 120 °C Compression ratio : >1 x 10 temperature He: 2 x 10 <...
  • Page 33 TECHNICAL INFORMATION Graph of compression ratio vs foreline pressure (measured with vertical axis) Graph of nitrogen throughput vs inlet pressure using the recommended mechanical forevacuum pump 87-900-915-01(E)
  • Page 34: Inlet Screen Installation

    TECHNICAL INFORMATION INLET SCREEN INSTALLATION HEATING JACKET INSTALLATION The inlet screens prevents the blades of the pump from being damaged by debris greater than 3 mm The heating jacket can be used to heat the pump diameter. The inlet screen, however, will reduce casing when a condensable process by-products the pumping speed by about 20%.
  • Page 35: Water Cooling Kit Installation

    TECHNICAL INFORMATION A dedicated temperature sensor into the heating jacket will keep the pump temperature at the de- sired temperature. NOTE The turbopump must be "baked" only when operating with an inlet pressure less than 10 mbar and with water cooling. CAUTION The assembled kit must be screwed into the suit- If the chamber of the system is "baked"...
  • Page 36: Vent Device Installation

    TECHNICAL INFORMATION Screw the flange mod. 969-9108 on the pump, tak- VENT DEVICE INSTALLATION ing care of the o-ring right position. Assemble the seal ring and lock the vent device in position using the KF klamp. The vent device mod. 969-9831 allows to avoid undesired venting of the pump during a temporary power failure (adjustable time up to 36 min.), and enables an automatic vent operation.
  • Page 37: Vent Valve Installation

    TECHNICAL INFORMATION Screw the vent valve into the pump without insert- VENT VALVE INSTALLATION ing the supplied adapter between the valve and the pump. The vent valve mod. 969-9843 allows to avoid un- desired venting of the pump during a temporary power failure (5 sec maximum), and enables an automatic vent operation.
  • Page 38: Pump Used With Corrosive Gases

    To prevent bearing damage, the integrated purge valve is foreseen for a gas flow rate of 20 sccm (0.34 mbar l/s). Please contact Varian for specific applications. The recommended gas purge flow maintains a pressure into the pump body higher than the forevacuum pressure.
  • Page 39: Roughing Operation

    The heater jacket working temperature should be adjusted on the pump control unit (see controller manual for refer- Turbo-V controller ence). Ask VARIAN for proper temperature set- Vent valve ting. Heater jacket must be always on even during start-up and shutdown.
  • Page 40: Vent Operation

    TECHNICAL INFORMATION For ConFlat and ISO 250 bolted flanges connec- Vent Operation tions we recommend using Varian hardware. The recommended procedure to vent the system Other hardware can be used if it satisfies to this and the pump avoiding the contact between the...
  • Page 41: Moving The Gas Purge Valve And Forevacuum Pump Connections

    949-9336 the pump using the relevant three screws. with 3 phase motor Dual stage rotary vane pump DS 1002 949-9340 with 3 phase motor For a complete overview of Varian's extensive product lines, please refer to the Varian catalog. 87-900-915-01(E)
  • Page 42: Customer Information

    NOTE: If a product is received at Varian which is contaminated with a toxic or hazardous material that was not disclosed, the customer will be held responsible for all costs incurred to ensure the safe handling of the product, and is liable for any harm or injury to Varian employees as well as to any third party occurring as a result of exposure to toxic or hazardous materials present in the product.
  • Page 43 Request for Return FAILURE REPORT TURBO PUMPS and TURBOCONTROLLERS POSITION PARAMETERS Power: Rotational Speed: Does not start Noise Vertical Current: Inlet Pressure: Does not spin freely Vibrations Horizontal Temp 1: Foreline Pressure: Does not reach full speed Leak Upside-down Mechanical Contact Overtemperature Other: Temp 2:...
  • Page 44 Tel: (39) 011 997 9111 Tel: (39) 011 997 9111 Fax: (39) 011 997 9350 Brazil Fax: (39) 011 997 9350 Varian Industria e Comercio Ltda. Japan Avenida Dr. Cardoso de Mello 1644 Internet Users: Varian Vacuum Technologies Vila Olimpia Customer Service &...

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