Entering a new user
1. From the
[USERS], select
[Add User]. Press
ENTER to confirm.
3. Select the function
Assoc Function
to associate to users.
Press ENTER to
5. Once the code
is entered, the user
number will appear
with the memorized
number ...
Modify user name
1. From the
[USERS], select
< Change Name >
[Change Name].
Press ENTER to
3. Use ENTER to move
the cursor forward,
ESC for moving the
cursor backward and
< > to select the
letter of figure.
< Add User >
Change Name
2. Select [Confirm?
(Yes)] and press
ENTER to confirm.
4. ... a code to enter will
be requested.
Send the code from
the transmitter, with
the swipe card or
6. ... or, if the code is
already entered, then
[Existing code].
2. Select the user
number or name to edit
and press ENTER to
4. Press ENTER for a
few seconds to confirm
the text.
Add User
Wait for code
Existing code
001: --U001--
Select user
< 001: --U001-- >
Change Name