FC4‚ FC4 L, FC4 Ex (HS), FC4 L Ex (HS)
ally explosive atmospheres.
It must be ensured that the unit without a clip will not be removed from the
bag with part no. 50 1011 7501 while still staying in hazardous areas. The
use of other protective or carrier bags may constitute an explosion hazard
and is therefore not allowed!
Working on the explosion-proof unit
All work on the unit as well as charging and replacing the rechargeable batte-
ries must be carried out outside of the hazardous areas.
All modification on the unit as well as any interventions may only be carried out
by the manufacturer or by qualified persons having been trained and authori-
sed by the manufacturer.
Putting the unit back into operation after interventions
After each intervention into an explosion-proof unit (repair) and before putting
the unit back into operation, in the Federal Republic of Germany an authorised
testing agency must have properly ascertained and documented that the unit
in question meets the requirements of the german regulations known as Betr-
SichV as far as essential explosion protection features are concerned.
Observe any deviating regulations issued by local authorities of the
country where the units are operated.
(BetrSichV = German regulations on safety and health protection when ma-
king working means available and using them for work, on security when ope-
rating systems needing supervision and on the organisation of in-house
industrial safety measures).
Damaged units
Apparently or only presumably damaged units must never be introduced into
hazardous areas with potentially explosive atmospheres. If an apparently or
presumably damaged unit is present in a hazardous area with potentially ex-
plosive atmospheres, it must be switched off immediately and removed from
Ex – Safety information