macchine agricole
hoe framework in order to work nearer to the plants. The side shifting movement is obtained through the crank that came with
the machine:
clean the framework and slideways on which the carriage of the third point with the final drive moves
slacken off the relative fixing bolts
insert the crank with the hole "A" in the stud "B"
insert the pin "D" in one of the holes "C"
slide the carriage to the required position by rotating the crank
tighten the previously loosened bolts
The depth at which the machine operates is determined by the position of the two side skids, depending on the different confi-
Machine with skids: to regulate the depth for machines with skids,loosen the adjuster screw, raise or lower the skid to the required
position, then tighten the adjuster screw again. This operation must be carried out on both skids depending on the type of soil.
Here are a few useful suggestions on how to resolve some of the problems that may occur during work.
Cut plants shredded to much
Slightly lift the cutter from the ground, adjusting the height with the wheels (the blades of the cutter must not touch the
Increase the ground speed.
Cut plants not shredded enough
Slightly lower the machine towards the ground.
Reduce the ground speed.
Do not work in soil that is too wet.
Rotor clogged
Soil too wet to work.
Raise the machine from the ground.
Reduce the ground speed.
Do not work where the grass is too tall. If necessary, remove any material that has built up at the sides of the rotor to pre-
vent overheating.
The machine jolts over the ground or vibrates
Foreign bodies locked between the knives.
Knives incorrectly mounted without the helical arrangement or with edges that dig into the ground.
Worn or broken knives.
Rotor misshapen owing to blows received during work from foreign bodies in the central part.
Other faults
The machine fails to work evenly along its width, shredding either too much or too little on one side, for example on the
right: shorten the right link.
Work on hilly ground
It is advisable to proceed «upwards» in the direction of the slope. Particular attention should be paid since, owing to the nature of
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