Temperature range
Coton ECO - Cotton
60°C - 40°C
Synthétiques - Synthetics
60°C -
Mixte - Mix 20°
Délicats - Delicates
40°C -
Laine/Lavage à la main -
40°C -
Rinçage - Rinse
Vidange - Drain
Essorage - Spin
Repassage facile - Easy
60°C -
Chemises - Shirts
Maximum load
Reference spin speed
7 kg
1000 rpm
3 kg
1000 rpm
3 kg
1000 rpm
1.5 kg
700 rpm
1.5 kg
1000 rpm
7 kg
1000 rpm
7 kg
7 kg
1000 rpm
1.5 kg
700 rpm
700 rpm
Programme description
(Type of load and soil level)
White cotton and fast-coloured cotton.
Normal soil. The energy consumption de-
creases and the time of the washing pro-
gramme is extended, ensuring good wash-
ing results.
Synthetic items or mixed fabric items.
Normal soil.
Special programme for cotton, synthetic and
mixed fabrics lightly soiled. Select this pro-
gramme to reduce the energy consumption.
Make sure that the detergent is suitable for
low temperatures in order to have good
washing results
Delicate fabrics such as acrylics, vis-
cose and mixed fabrics requiring gen-
tler washing. Normal soil.
Machine washable wool, hand washa-
ble wool and other fabrics with «hand
washing» care symbol
To rinse and spin the laundry. All fabrics,
except woollens and very delicate fabrics.
Reduce the spin speed accordingly to the
type of laundry.
To drain the water in the drum. All fabrics.
To spin the laundry and to drain the water in
the drum. All fabrics, except woollens
and delicate fabrics.
Synthetic items requiring a gentle
wash. Normal and light soil.
Synthetic and mixed fabric items. Light
soil items and items to freshen up. For 5 - 6