Interface Status Leds; Yellow Trouble Led; Yellow Connection Status Led; Initial Panel Programming - DSC IT-230 RS-422 Manuel D'installation

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The Interface has 2 yellow LED indicators: 1 Trouble LED, 1 Network connection status LED. The LED mean-
ings are described in this Section.

Yellow Trouble LED

This yellow LED will flash to indicate a trouble on the unit. The number of flashes indicates the type of trouble.
See the table below for the coded flashes and the conditions which will activate the Trouble Status LED.
Number of Flashes
NOTE: Only the highest priority trouble (2 Flashes is highest priority) is indicated. When that trouble is
restored, the next highest trouble will be indicated, if present. This will continue until all Troubles have
been cleared (Trouble LED is OFF).
The following paragraphs describe the conditions associated with the trouble indicated:
2 Flashes: Panel Supervision Trouble
This trouble will be indicated when communication between the IT-230 module and the panel fails. If the module can
not communicate with the panel (e.g., loss of power to the panel) the IT-230 will send a Panel Absent Trouble (Sec-
tion [023]) event message to the Change to C24-HUB. When communication is restored, the IT-230 will send a
Panel Absent Restore (Section [024]) event message to the C24-HUB. The reporting codes are ET0001 (Trouble)
and ER0001 (Trouble Restore). The Panel Absent/Restore events always use primary receiver Account Code (See
Section [021]) when communicating these events.
NOTE: The Panel Absent Trouble/Restore are internally generated events by the IT-230. These are the
only internal events created; all other events are generated by the Panel. The Trouble is generated if the
IT-230 misses 6 consecutive polls to the panel and is restored on successful receipt of a single poll.
10 Flashes: Configuration Failure
This trouble is indicated when the unit fails to receive remote programming.
12 Flashes: Module Configuration Failure
This trouble is indicated when the System Account Code has not been programmed in Section [021].

Yellow Connection Status LED

BLINKING: Indicates communication is in progress between IT-230 and the C24-HUB.
Once quickly for outgoing transmission from the IT-230.
Twice quickly to indicate incoming ACK/NACK from the C24-HUB.
OFF: This is the normal state of the Connection Status LED. There are no connection issues present.
ON: There is a problem with the connection. The yellow LED will be ON when trouble is indicated:

Keypad Data Display

• Section-Toggle Options: The number is displayed when Toggle is ON, the number is not displayed when
Toggle is OFF. (e.g., Toggle Options displays: [--3--6--]. Options 3 and 6 are ON, all others are OFF). Press-
ing keys 1 through 8 will alternately turn the Toggle ON and OFF.
• HEX/Decimal Data: Values that are provided with two defaults, separated by a slash (/) character, use the
format: hexadecimal followed by decimal equivalent (e.g., Default [0BF5/3061]). Hexadecimal numbers are
shown, with all leading zeros, to the full field length defined for the number.

Entering HEX values at keypad

To enter HEX values at the keypad, you must press the * key before entering the HEX value. (e.g., to enter HEX
value C at the keypad, press [*][3].

Entering ASCII Characters at keypad

1. Press [*] and use the scroll buttons [<] [>] to display ASCII Entry on the keypad screen.
2. Press [*] to select ASCII entry mode.
3. Use the [<] [>] scroll keys to display the character you want and press [*] to save and exit ASCII entry.
4. Repeat the steps above to enter another ASCII character.

PC1616/1832/1864 Initial Programming

Perform the following steps to ensure that the IT-230 and the panel work together as intended.
These sections must be programmed at the panel keypad. Enter [*][8][Installer Code][Section Number].
Record any values that are modified from their default in the appropriate Programming Worksheets for the
1. In Panel Section [167] program 060 (seconds).
2. In Panel Section [382] set Option [5] ON.


Panel Supervision Trouble
Configuration Failure
Module Configuration Trouble


Table 4: Yellow Trouble Status LED


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