Your handset device's Bluetooth
you must first turn on the Bluetooth
Activate the SETUP menu.
When prompted, say "PAIR DEVICE".
The hands-free system responds: Set your device in search mode and enter 0000 if prompted
for the passcode.
Perform a device discovery from the handset device. For details on device discovery for your
handset device, see your device's user manual.
Your handset device will search for any Bluetooth
complete, it will display a list of the devices it finds. Searching may take a minute or two to
Select Toyota from the list of devices.
If prompted by the handset device, enter the passkey 0000, and press the OK key.
The hands-free system responds: Pairing complete. Please say a friendly name for the device.
Say a friendly device name for your handset device. For example, you can say 'Jenny's Phone'
The hands-free system responds: <device name> added.
Some handset devices may ask you to accept the Bluetooth
After a few seconds the hands-free system responds: Connection complete.
Connect a paired handset device
Activate the SETUP menu.
When prompted, say "COnnECT <DEVICE nAME>", where <device name> is the friendly
name for the handset device you want to connect. For example 'Connect Jenny's Phone'.
The hands-free system responds: Connecting <device name>.
Upon successful completion, the hands-free system responds: Connection complete.
Disconnect the connected handset device
This feature will disconnect the Bluetooth
remain paired with the system.
Activate the SETUP menu.
When prompted, say "DISCOnnECT <DEVICE nAME>", where <device name> is the friendly
name for the handset device you want to disconnect. For example 'Disconnect Jenny's Phone'.
The hands-free system responds: Disconnecting <device name>.
Upon successful disconnection, the hands-free system responds: Disconnection complete.
Removing a paired handset device
This feature will remove the handset device from the device list. The handset device will no longer
be paired with the hands-free system. To reconnect the handset device the pairing procedure must
be redone.
Activate the SETUP menu.
When prompted, say "REMOVE <DEVICE nAME>", where <device name> is the friendly name
for the handset device you want to remove. For example 'Remove Jenny's Phone'.
The hands-free system responds: Removing <device name>. Are you sure?
Say "YES".
Upon successful removal, the hands-free system responds: Device Removed.
feature is off by default. To use your car hands-free system,
feature in your device. See your device's user manual.
devices around it. When the search is
link to the handset device. The handset device will
link. Enter YES.