LoRaWAN 863-870 ANALOG PWR - Guide utilisateur / User guide version V2.0.2
3.2.2 Command mode
Use a COM port terminal in order to communicate with the device. We use the HERCULES COM port soft terminal available to download for free
by clicking on the following link: https://www.hw-group.com/products/hercules/index_en.html
With Hercules, select the "Serial" tab, then configure the serial port with the following serial parameters:
Stop Bit
Select the serial port on which the device has been created with Windows (Name).
Click on the "Open" button to open the serial port.
NOTE INFORMATION :If the com port has been opened correctly, Hercules will display the message "Serial COM3 port opened".
Alternatively, "Serial port com opening error" will be displayed, meaning either that the com port is already open for another application, or it
does not exist.
Write '+++' to execute the configuration mode..
On the com port terminal, you should also have «CONNECTING...» and « CM » feedback
for Command Mode.
Sending a character on Hercules is displayed in magenta and receiving a character is dis-
played in black. If you do not see sending characters, this is probably because ECHO is
not active on this program. To activate the option in the accessible menu, right click in the
viewing window.
3.3. AT commands
A command starts with 2 ASCII characters: "AT", followed by one or more characters and data (see the list below for the syntax of AT com-
mands available on the modem).
Each command must finish with a "CR" or "CR" "LF" – both are acceptable.
(CR indicates: Carriage Return, LF indicates: Line Feed)
Once the command has been received, the modem will feedback:
<cr><lf> "Data" for ATS type playback control <n> ?, AT/S or AT/V
"O" <cr><lf>, for any other command when this has been accepted.
"E" <cr><lf>, if it refuses the command due to a syntax error, unknown command, unknown range, invalid parameter, etc.
"CM" <cr><lf>, if it accepts the input in command mode
115 200 bps
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