ELMON classic 31-31
Safety Relais
3. General
The ELMON classic 31 switching unit, designed with one channel, is used for evaluating safety contact mats and for
safeguarding locations where there is a risk of crushing and cutting through the use of safety contact edges
and safety bumpers (sensors).
The ELMON classic 31 switching unit is intended for use on plants/machines that make a test signal available
through a primary controller prior to each dangerous movement. In combination with the test signal, the
switching unit satisfies safety category 2 acc. to EN ISO 13849-1:2008 "Safety-related parts of control systems" .
Monitoring of the standby current is made possible by an integrated terminating resistor in the sensor. If
the specified standby current is flowing, the output relay is activated and the switching contact is closed. If
the sensor is actuated or the sensor circuit is interrupted, the relay switching contact opens. The monito-
ring state of the sensor and the applied operating voltage are indicated by LEDs.
4. Proper use
The ELMON classic 31 switching unit can only fulfil its safety-related task if used properly.
Proper use of the switching unit is the use as protection in combination with safety contact mats, safety
bumpers and safety contact edges .
Any uses above and beyond these uses constitute improper use. The manufacturer assumes no liability for
damages arising from improper use .
The device may only be used in special applications with the manufacturer's express consent.
5. Device overview
5.1 Signal indicators
Supply voltage
Sensor actuated
Safety circuit interrupted
5.2 Connection terminals
PE, L1, N
Supply voltage
230 V 50/60 Hz
12-24 V AC/DC Supply voltage
12-24 V AC/DC
X1 X2
Sensor connection
Out 13 14
Safety relay
Out 12 13 14
Safety relay
(Version ELMON classic 31-31W)
Test Signal
Test signal input
ELMON classic 31-31
ELMON classic 31-31W