ELMON classic 31-31
Safety Relais
6.3 Test
For a standard-compliant design of the protection, the primary machine control must perform a test prior
to each dangerous movement or during the non-dangerous phase/movement of the machine. Upon appli-
cation of the test signal, the output terminal of the switching unit must open. This change in switching state
must be evaluated by the primary machine control . If the test result is correct, the machine control then
initiates the movement or the next work step. Otherwise, the control must output an error message and
the power-driven work equipment (e.g. motor) must receive a switch-off signal from the machine control.
The available test signal can be selected with the DIP slide switch.
DIP slide switch S1
6.4 Wiring options
12 V . . . 28 V AC/DC
With testing by the control, the
ments in accordance with EN ISO 13849-1:2008 "Safety-related parts of control
systems" .
Without testing, the operation or wiring of the ELMON classic 31 satisfies no specific
safety requirement.
Test signal connection terminals
ELMON classic
Characteristics of the signal
Test signal S1 Pos . "A"
Test signal S1 Pos . "B"
Switching outputs
31 system satisfies the Cat. 2 require-