3. Ope ra ti on
Op er a tion
Guide the ma chine only with the guide bar, and
don't lift it dur ing op er a tion.
Al ways keep an eye on the ma chine when its en -
gine is run ning.
The op er a tor's po si tion is in the for ward di rec tion be hind the
ma chine.
Set the ac cel er a tor (1) to «MAX»; the ma chine works at its
high est fre quency.
The dump ing height of the ma te rial to be com pressed
should not be higher than the vi brat ing tam per can
drive over.
To get uni form op er at ing per for mance, de pend ing on the
ground con di tion and den sity, set the ac cel er a tor le ver to the
area above the cen trif u gal clutch's op er at ing RPM.
In short breaks move the throt tle to «MIN»; the ram mer is