6 In Case of Problems
Should problems arise with the walkie−talkies, please refer to the following informa-
tion first. In the case of technical problems, you can contact our hotline service, Tel.
0900 00 1675 within Switzerland (Swisscom fees at time of going to print: CHF
2.60/min). In the case of claims under the terms of guarantee, please contact your sa-
les outlet. There is a 2 year period of guarantee.
Problems and solutions
Equipment does
not function
Transmission not
No reception
− Walkie−talkie is not charged
− Key lock has been activated
− Walkie−talkie is switched off
− Hold the P button pressed to transmit
− Channel is being used by other subscribers
− Release P
− Volume setting is too low
− You are outside the range of reception, change your position
− Obstructions such as trees and buildings impair the range
− CTCSS/DCS code set is not identical to that of the other party
− Channel is being used by other subscribers
− Battery charge status too weak
In Case of Problems