BFT LINEA 1 Instructions D'utilisation Et D'installation page 23

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  • FR

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  • FRANÇAIS, page 29
The LINEA automation system can be installed in various ways. In the case
where the top rail cannot be mounted on a wall, the NTS support rail is
supplied on request together with fixing screws and plates. Fig. 2 shows the
NTS support rail contour with respective dimensions.
Here is a list of some of the installation methods for this automation sys-
- Wall mounting
- Ceiling mounting (with NTS support rail)
- Encasing in frame (with or without NTS support rail).
6.1) Wall mounting (fig.4)
Make sure that the surface where the LINEA rail must be mounted is level. If
this is not so, use suitable levelling shimming. These should be fixed in line
with the fixing holes already provided in the top rail. This way the suppor-
ting base for the anchoring points is made steady and track curving can be
avoided during screw fixing. In the case where additional fixing holes must
be made, these should be drilled at a distance of approximately 600-800
mm, also taking into account the kind of supporting surface found (cement,
bricks, wood, iron etc.)
6.2) Ceiling mounting (with support rail fig.5)
In the case where the LINEA rail is mounted on the ceiling, a sturdy ceiling-
mounted supporting element (fig. 5) must be provided to ensure steady
anchoring for the NTS support rail. Having fitted the supporting element, fix
the support rail and then the LINEA rail (fig. 5). This type of installation is
particularly recommended when the leaves and fixed section are made of
frameless plate glass, and therefore non-bearing.
6.3) Encasing in frame (with or without support rail fig.6)
The bearing door frame can either encase the support rail or feature a flat
contour of adequate thickness where the LINEA rail can be steadily fixed.
If the NTS support rail is used, it will be easier to fix the LINEA rail by
means of the screws and plates supplied.
The LINEA rail mounting height (HFT) must be measured from the highest
point on the floor (fig. 7). This is to prevent the moveable leaf from becoming
stuck when installation is completed.
The HFT height takes into account the following sections:
HFT= Top rail mounting height (considering the highest contour point
HGP= Space between the floor and moveable leaf (depending on the type
of lower guide chosen)
HA= Finished leaf length
LINEA rail height (HT is always equal to
are adjusted as in fig. 8).
Having thus defined the LINEA rail mounting height (HFT) (fig. 7), calculate
the finished leaf height (HA) by means of the following relationship:
However, the leaf height can also be adjusted after installation through the
appropriate adjustment devices on the sliding carriages. If, during installa-
tion, the carriages are kept in the position shown in fig. 8, and the formulas
are respected, they can be adjusted in height by ± 6mm (fig.1).
WARNING: The LINEA rail must be mounted in a perfectly horizontal
way. This condition ensures correct automation operation. To mount
the single-leaf LINEA 1 rail, take into consideration the type of installation.
7.1) Wall mounting (above door opening space) (fig. 10)
WARNING: Only use flat countersunk head screws to mount the top
rail, as highlighted in fig. 9. If this condition is not observed, impact can
occur with the sliding carriages. With this type of installation, make sure that
the leaf stroke (CA) is equal to the doorway opening (PU) plus the overlap
(S) needed to carry out full leaf closing, as in fig. 10.
Example: The LINEA 110 mod. provides a doorway opening (PU) of
1050mm. If an Overlap (S) of 50mm is created, the doorway opening (PU)
will become 1000mm. Therefore, the LINEA rail must be made to protrude
from the doorway by the measure of the required overlap.
7.2) Mounting between two walls (inside door opening space) (fig. 11)
For this type of installation, the two walls represent the leaf end-of-stroke
limits. In the case where the top rail is shorter than the total doorway space,
bring the top rail right against the side of the doorway opening (PU) (fig. 11).
As there is no overlap (S) at the wall to obtain complete door closing, the
doorway opening (PU) is equal to the leaf stroke (CA).
mm if the carriages
7.3) Mounting of LINEA 2 (2 moveable leaves) (fig. 12)
In order to place the top rail in a symmetrical position with respect to the
doorway space, for any type of installation (above or inside the door ope-
ning space, or other), mark the opening space midpoint and the LINEA rail
midpoint. Mount the LINEA rail by lining up the two marks (fig. 12).
For correct operation of the automation device and related accessories, ob-
serve the dimensions specified in fig. 13 for the right- or left-hand mounted
LINEA 1 Mod., and those in fig. 14 for the LINEA 2 Mod.
In order to ensure NCE locking and adequate space between the 2 leaves,
the adjustment can range from 5 to 30 mm, keeping the screws in position
For a greater distance between the 2 leaves, ranging from 25 to 45 mm,
keep the screws in position B (Fig.14 – Fig.17)
8.1) Framed leaves
The automation device is supplied with sliding carriages already fixed to the
leaf-attachment contour. The leaf-attachment contour length is that expec-
ted for the leaf. Therefore this automation device is supplied with previously
adjusted end-of-stroke door stops. Before taking the leaf-attachment con-
tour apart to fix it to the leaf itself, it is advisable to mark the position where
the carriages should be fixed to the leaf-attachment contour. This way it will
be easier to finally adjust the leaf end-of-stroke brackets and NCE electro-
magnetic bolt centring. The leaf-attachment contour must be fixed to the
leaf, as shown in fig. 15. Drill 8mm dia. countersunk holes in the leaf-attach-
ment contour. In correspondence with the leaf-attachment contour holes,
drill and M8 thread the upper leaf rail. Use TSPEI M8 flat countersunk head
screws. If the upper framed leaf rail thickness is less than 6-7mm and the
leaf is heavy, it must be reinforced on the inside with an iron plate or con-
tour, where the leaf-attachment contour is to be screwed in several points.
8.2) Plate-glass leaves (fig. 16)
The PPA gripping system can only be used for leaves made of toughened
plate glass having a thickness of 10 to 12mm, or for safety double-glazing.
It must not be used for panes with air space. To make it simpler, from this
point onwards, all the above will be referred to as glass leaves.
- The pane of glass must not be perforated.
- The PPA grip must be fixed to the door-attachment contour, as shown in
fig. 16. Before removing the contour to fix it to the PPA grip, it is advisable
to mark the position where the carriages should be fixed to the leaf-at-
tachment contour. This way it will be easier to finally adjust the leaf end-
of-stroke brackets.
- The G gaskets, having adequate thickness, must be positioned on both
sides of the pane of glass, between the grip and the glass. Only gaskets
supplied by BFT are to be used for this purpose.
- The PPA grip must be locked by accurately tightening the side screws
(max. torque 22Nm).
- The leaf is now ready to be installed.
Fit the P plate and B block fixing the central carriages (NCE bolt side) to the
leaf-attachment contour, position the carriages in line with the previously
marked points and secure them. The same procedure must be carried out
for the side carriages, except that two P plates must be fitted, one on each
side. Transversal depth adjustment is carried out by sliding the carriage
fixing screws along the slot in the carriage itself (fig. 17).
The distance of the leaf from the floor is adjusted by slackening nuts A (fig.
18) on each carriage and turning pivot 1 left or right, depending whether the
adjustment is to be made upwards or downwards.
Having identified the exact position, lock the nut and adjust the runner at
the top or bottom, taking care to bring it close to the upper track. Then lock
respective nuts A (adjustment allowed ± 6mm).
10) FLOOR LEAF GUIDE (fig. 19)
The lower leaf guide is to be fixed to the floor along the S overlapping space
existing between moveable leaf and fixed section when the door is closed.
10.1) Framed leaves – In the case of framed doors, make the housing
where to insert and fix the PGI leaf-sliding contour. The PPR runner, pre-
viously adjusted as in fig. 20, must be fixed so as to keep the leaf perfectly
vertical; use a level for this purpose. After being secured, the runner can be
adjusted by ± 4mm.
10.2) Glass leaves – In the case of glass leaves, use the most appropriate
model for the type of bottom rail fitted. In the case of glass leaves without
bottom rail, a door-guide runner having adequate thickness is supplied with
the PPA Mod. grip.
LINEA 1-2 - Ver. 02 -


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Ce manuel est également adapté pour:

Linea 2

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