12.0 Troubleshooting JWDS‐1020‐M Drum Sander
Drum motor won't start
when switch is activated.
Drum motor will not start:
fuses blow or circuit
breakers trip.
Drum motor overheats.
Drum motor stalls,
resulting in blown fuses or
tripped circuit.
Loud, repetitive noise or
vibration coming from
Conveyor motor stalls.
Conveyor belt slips on drive
Abrasive strip comes off
Abrasive strip is loose.
Abrasive loads up
Line or groove in stock.
Snipe marks.
Possible Cause
No incoming current.
Safety key missing from switch.
Low voltage.
Open circuit in motor or loose connection. Inspect all lead connections on motor for loose
Switch malfunction.
Short circuit in line cord or plug.
Short circuit in motor or loose
Incorrect fuse or circuit breaker in power
Air circulation through motor restricted.
Motor overloaded, excess feed rate.
Motor overloaded, excess depth of cut.
Short circuit in motor or loose
Low voltage.
Incorrect fuse or circuit breaker in power
Fasteners loose.
Motor fan is hitting cover.
Machine not level.
Excessive depth of cut.
Improper conveyor belt tension.
Excessive depth of cut and/or feed rate.
Slack in abrasive strip on drum.
Abrasive improperly wrapped.
Strip caught on inside edge of slot, or on
inboard side of drum.
Strip not cut properly.
Excessive depth of cut.
Excessive feed rate.
Inadequate dust collection.
Inadequate abrasive.
Inconsistent feed rate.
Improper tension on rollers.
Correction *
Check connections at plug or circuit panel.
Install safety key.
Check power line for proper voltage.
or open connections.
Replace switch.
Inspect cord or plug for damaged insulation and
shorted wires.
Inspect all connections on motor for loose or
shorted terminals or worn insulation.
Install correct fuse or circuit breaker.
Clean motor fan with compressed air to restore
normal air circulation.
Reduce conveyor speed.
Reduce depth of cut.
Inspect connections on motor for loose or
shorted terminals or worn insulation.
Correct low voltage conditions.
Install correct fuse or circuit breaker.
Inspect fasteners and tighten where needed.
Tighten fan or shim fan cover.
Place sander on flat surface, shim if needed.
Reduce depth of cut; use coarser grit; reduce
feed rate.
Adjust belt tension.
Reduce depth of cut and/or feed rate.
Remove slack in strip.
Read the section on installing abrasives, and
Re‐adjust the strip end in the slot and/or trim
the abrasive edge.
Re‐cut and re‐install the abrasive strip.
Reduce depth of cut.
Reduce feed rate.
Increase airflow at dust port.
Use an open‐coat abrasive.
Do not stop or change the feed rate while
feeding stock.
Re‐tension rollers.