Never attempt planing cuts which involve moving the fence very close (1-2mm) to the blade.
For planing a bowed workpiece, attach a straight piece of scrap to the bowed piece so it overhangs
one edge for the full length. (Use brads or strong double-sided tape). Run the scrap along the fence,
dressing one edge of the bowed piece straight. Remove the piece of scrap and then run the
straightened edge against the fence.
By lowering the saw blade and adjusting the fence, you can make a wide variety of rebates.
When cutting wood which is rectangular in profile always make the first cut with the wood on edge
and the second cut on the flat.
balancing unsafely on a narrow rebate after the second cut.
Otherwise, if rebating narrow wood, the workpiece could end up
A tungsten carbide tipped blade or a planer blade
can give an excellent finish on poorly dressed,
weather-stained or painted material. Measure the
workpiece - say 90mm wide - and set the fence
at 88 or 89mm, to remove 1 or 2mm.
Use the side pressure finger and guided push-
stick to hold and control the workpiece, especially
when planing narrow pieces.
low as possible. Try not to pause during the cut,
and do a finishing cut if desired at a slightly
narrower fence setting.
If planing a face wider than your maximum depth
of cut, set up as described above, and make two
planing cuts, turning the workpiece over (end-for-
end) after the first cut. Use the side pressure finger
to hold the workpiece against the fence.
Try to make both cuts of similar depth. i.e. plane a
90mm wide face with two cuts of around 46mm.
You will probably not be able to use the overhead
guard for the first cut. You must keep the
workpiece well controlled, and be very careful of
your hand positions. They must stay clear of the
blade even if the wood kicks back. The guard
must be fitted for the second cut.
You cannot use the overhead guard on these cuts, so
make sure your hands stay clear of the blade, even if
the wood kicks back.
Most rebates create a narrow off-cut. You should
avoid trapping the off-cut between the blade and the
fence by doing the cut as shown in
a narrow offcut between the blade and the fence, do
not stand directly in line with the blade. The off-cut
could be flung towards you at high speed.
Keep the blade as
. If you do have
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