How to check the installation
Go to the <Apple menu> <Control panels> <Sound>. You should see
the "built-in" sound icon, plus the VX442 icon if your VX442 is
properly installed.
If your music program does use ASIO, leave the Sound control
panel set to "built-in" for both Sound In and Sound Out.
If your program does not use ASIO (check your software
documentation) and you will be using the Sound Manager to
communicate with your VX442, set Sound In and Sound Out to
Your VX442 is now ready for use.
Removing the VX442 driver for MacOS 9.x
Remove all files that have been copied as described above and restart your
computer. To do so, you may open Sherlock pressing Command (Apple
key)+F and find everything that says 'VX442'. This will include the VX442
Driver, the VX442 Panel, ASIO VX442, ASIO2 VX442, and the VX442
Preferences. Trash all these files and reboot.
Updating the VX442 driver for MacOS 9.x
Remove the old drivers first (see above). Then follow the installation
instructions (see above) using the new installer that you have downloaded.
Installing the VX442 driver for Mac OS 10.x
On your drivers CD disk, open the VX442 folder and locate
"Digigram VX442 Software.dmg". This file may not be enclosed on
your CD – in this case, please download it from the Digigram Web
site (www.digigram.com).
Double-click the .dmg file to mount it. Locate the virtual disk
created on your desktop and open it.
Launch the installer by double-clicking it. A password dialog will
appear. Enter the administrator password to authorize the driver
installation. Read the introduction; click Continue.
Read the "ReadMe" file; click Continue.
Select the disk you boot OS X from as destination drive; click
Click Install to have the installer update your system.
Click Close - you're all done! You can unmount the Disk Image if
you like.