STEP 4: Cut the foam seal to the proper length and attach it to the top of the window
STEP 5: Close the window securely against the window panel.
STEP 6: Cut the foam seal to the proper length and seal the opening
between the top of the inner window sash and the outer window sash.
STEP 7: Attach the bracket with a screw.
Your portable air conditioner is designed to exhaust condensate water that is collected
from the air. This water, in either gaseous or droplet form, will be expelled out the exhaust
port of the unit.
For maximum energy efficiency and to preserve the longest life of your unit, avoid bend-
ing the hose and keep the exhaust hose length as short as possible. The exhaust hose
supplied with this portable air conditioner has been specifically designed for this unit. Do
not lengthen the hose by adding additional hoses or attachments to the hose.
STEP 1: Connect the two pieces of the window exhaust adapter by combining them
together and pressing the clasp forcibly into the groove.
Foam seal