What You Can Learn About Your Wireless Network?
How is my Wi-Fi Network Quality?
Can I hear any access points that support my
Are there coverage holes in this area?
Are there too many close APs using the same
channel making my network slow?
Can I connect?
Select AutoTest - After AutoTest has run, select
Network Quality to view the results of Coverage,
Co-Channel Interference, Security, and Connection
health assessment.
The Coverage results include the number of APs
with good signal quality including both good
signal strength and a good Signal to Noise Ratio
supporting a network (SSID) along with the rating
test grade is based on a comparison of the actual
values to user settable thresholds. The AP count and
signal quality thresholds of signal level and signal-
to-noise are set in the Tools > Thresholds /
AutoTest Settings > AP Coverage, Signal level
and Signal-to-noise Threshold screens.
The Co-Channel Interference results include the
number of overlapping APs for a network along
with the rating of
based on a single network comparison to
thresholds. Thresholds for this test are set in the
Tools > Thresholds / AutoTest Settings >
Network Quality co-channel thresholds screen.
Warning, or
Fail, is displayed. The
Warning, or