B27 + B28: (Preparation for the assembly of the upper fas-
cia panels)
Insert the upper fascia panels FS/BFS laterally into the A-
pillar panelling. Affix both of the fascia panels in the middle
with the aid of a cramp and push them flush onto the
windscreen. Make sure that the fascia panel's contour is at
a uniform distance to the plastic part (strip light). Carefully
pre-drill into the spaces provided for in the fascia panels
with a drill (Ø 2 mm) in the roof liner. Then drill out bored
holes of Ø 6.5 mm with a drill.
B29 - B31: (Assembly of the upper fascia panels)
Attach the fascia panels with the accompanying wall plugs
onto the roof lining. The set screw is screwed into the mid-
dle of the fascia panels on both sides with the accompany-
ing pane and screws.
B32: (Assembly of the upper guide pipe)
Screw the upper guide pipe FS/BFS onto the pipe bracket
in the A-pillar panelling as far as it will go. Insert the
threaded pin in the middle by lightly spanning the pipes.
B33: (Preparation for the assembly of the lower guide
Screw in the second set screw into the bearing of the pipe
bracket in the middle.