Bargraph :
by checking this box, you see the bar graph data on
the computer screen (full screen mode)
Example : Bargraph : Fast Leq / Limit Threshold : 57 dB
Blinking Over Limit :
flashing computer screen, if the LEQ is over the limit (Full
screen mode)
Leqs Color :
by checking this box, you activate the color change
of the display on the computer screen according to the
measured level (Full screen mode)
Engineer Mod :
by checking this box, you display the graph on
the computer screen (Full screen mode).
by checking this box, you activate the
Do not forget to save at the end.
Select a switching threshold and a Leq.
These values will switch opto-mos1.
Threshold 2:
Select a switching threshold and a Leq.
These values will switch opto-mos2.
Hold time GPO1/ Hold time GPO2 :
It is sometimes advantageous to use a
short leq integration to order
information panels so as to indicate
the rapid overtaking. In this case, it is
better to use the adjustable
information hold parameter from
1min to 10min in steps of 1min, to
avoid the risk of not seeing the
indications of stealth overtaking.
If a long Leq is used, it is necessary that
the noise level is present for a certain
time to be able to display information
via the GPO1 and GPO2, however the
information after noise suppression
will be kept longer .