BRITAX Child Safety, Ltd.
Infant Comfort Pillow
The infant comfort pillow is designed to provide better fit
and comfort for infants using this child seat�
The infant comfort pillow can be used with infants weighing
between 1�8 and 5 kg (4 and 11 lbs)� Do not use with infants
over 5 kg (11 lbs)�
Option 1: Provides additional
support under your child
to allow the harness straps
to be at or below shoulder
level and for a snug fit to
be achieved� Infant comfort
pillow is shipped in this
Option 2: Provides
additional support behind
your child to achieve head
and neck alignment� To
use, rotate the comfort
pillow 180 degrees from the
shipped position and tuck
behind the bib of the head
restraint cover�