Sistematica handhelds can be equipped with some optional functions such
as SafetyPoint™, Emergency Button (TREND / EGO), Backlit Keypad, Buzzer
and Tilting-hand (accelerometer).
SafetyPoint™ technology makes handheld devices safe and reduces the
risk of accidents by avoiding causing damage to people or things near the
moving parts, as well as to the operator.
The handheld equipped with SafetyPoint™ operates the programmed
commands only if located near a Safetypoint Plate.
The SafetyPointPlate is a flexible and adhesive plate. It must be applied in
an area deemed safe for the user. The plate is installed without electrical
connections and without puncturing the bodywork. Simply remove the
adhesive film on the back and apply to the desired point.
1. Move the front of the handheld closer to the SafetypointPlate.
Keep at a maximum distance of 20 mm.
2. When the handheld is near the plate, press the key (linked to
SafetyPoint) to activate the corresponding output. The GREEN led on
the handheld will flash. If no buttons are pressed while the handheld
is within the magnetic field of the plate, the GREEN and YELLOW LEDs
will flash after 5 seconds indicating that the Safetypoint™ timing has
expired (Time Out).
To be able to control the functions under Safetypoint™ once again, it is
necessary to move the handheld away and then close to the plate again
If the keys linked by the function are outside the magnetic field of the
SafetyPointPlate, the GREEN and YELLOW leds will flash. In this condition
no output will be activated on the CONTROLLER.