BLUE diode does not light (lack
of IR communication)
YELLOW and RED diode light but
radiator still cool
BLUE diode lights but radiator
still cool
BLUE diode pulsing
Construction of the device as well as physical characteristics of different heating mediums,
may cause an uneven temperature distribution in the radiator, which may cause that bot-
tom pipes as well as the the highest one can be cold. This type of behavior is absolutely
normal and is not an effect of the heater malfunction.
Possible cause
Adviced action
Problem in
Check the batteries
the external
Place the programmer close to the heating
element and change the temperature setting
- if the devices communicate correctly, LED
diode lights blue and blinks after each order
correctly received.
Problem with the
contact the Distributor
heating element
Thermal fuse
contact the Distributor
or electronics
Room tempera-
Everything is working. To make the heating
ture is equal or
element heat you may turn on the ON mode
higher than the
in external programmer or the Dryer mode in
one set in exter-
the element.
nal programmer
(Note: Turning the controller 'OFF' will not ter-
minate the connection between the heating
element and the controller, the only way to
do this is to remove the batteries from the
controller or move it to another room)
The heating
Is the controller still in 'line of site' of the
element is no
heating element or is it being blocked by an
longer communi-
object or has it been placed in another room,
cating with the IR
clear the obstruction or move the controller.
Check the batteries. If not and the problem still
exists - contact the Distributor