Filter change
Th e fi ne fi lter 42398 should be changed at least once per
year. HEPA fi lters should be changed every 300 hours.
Use breathing protection when changing the fi lter. Used
fi lters should be sealed in a plastic sack and disposed of
properly. Use only original fi lter.
Loosen and lift the lid on the cyclone. Unscrew the fi lter
potential equalization cable from the inlet module. Lift
straight up fi ne fi lter. Th read, if necessary, a plastic bag
over the cyclone to prevent the spread of dust in the fi lter.
Vacuum the fi lter plate from any dust. Th en mount the
new fi lter has by pressing it down in the seat. Screw the
potential equalization cable on the inlet module.
Fine fi lter, polyester (Filter through
of cord potential off set)
HEPA fi lter
Suction hose 38, ESD-certifi ed
Suction hose 50, ESD-certifi ed
Coupling socket 50/50 ESD-certifi ed
Th e warranty period for this machine is two years and co-
vers manufacturers faults. Th e warranty is valid under the
condition that the machine is used under normal conditions
on the task for which it was designed and is maintained
properly. Normal wear is not covered by this warranty.
Part no
Connecting sleeve 38/38 turnable
ESD-certifi ed
Intermediate sleeve 50/38, ESD-certifi ed 2120E
Floor nozzle 450 A-38 ESD-certifi ed
Service performed by other thanDustcontrol or its aut-
horized agent voids automatically the warranty. No other
warranty express or implied is applicable
DC 3800 Turbo EX - 13
Part no
Part No 94125-B