Creating Groups
Use the arrows to move the cursor to a group line and press Enter
You can edit the field when the brackets cease to blink and the word
"end" blinks
Use the up or down arrows to scroll through the list of all units
connected to the 301C, until the desired address is displayed .
Press Enter again to validate the address.
The address is added to the group and the <end> bracket is shifted
one position to the right.
The process can be repeated until you have added all the desired
transmitters in your group (up to 126). The address for each transmitter
added in the Tx Info menu is available when creating groups.
Note: Groups created in the Groups menu will appear in the product
type list (Tx Info - Ident screen) as "Group xx" (the number
assigned to the group when it was created).
301C User Manual
System Programming
Groups Menu