Thank you for choosing the Dragonus II +.
This helicopter, if built and setup correctly, will bring you hours of pleasure with it's extremely precise control.
But Radio Controlled helicopters are not toys. They need to be checked before and after each flight, and to be
flown in a safe place, away from buildings, roads or public, in order to ensure maximum safety during flight or
in case of piloting error / mechanical / electrical failure.
This helicopter is sold as a kit, and it is the customer responsibility to check all parts and setup before flying the
model, and to ensure that the transmitter frequency used is not already used by another pilot.
As A2pro can not control the way the model is built, maintained and flown and how the electronics are installed
and setup in the helicopter, A2Pro, A2pro Distributors and E-Copter (A2pro Helicopter division) will decline any
liability in case of accident, damage, malfunction or mechanical failure of the Dragonus and the equipments
This manual will guide you in the Dragonus II + building process. For each step, you will find a matching parts
bag in the box.
An additional bag, named " Spare Parts", contains a few additional small parts to use in the case you would
damage / loose any parts during the building of the helicopter.
You will notice on the drawings pictures of small recipients with numbers 242 and 638. Reference 242 is
mentioning thread lock, and 638 is referring to ball-bearings sealant.
As we are here building the Dragonus "Plus" version, you should not use any thread lock or Bearing sealants
when the screws / bearings are not fitted in metal part. Using Thread lock on plastics parts might damage them
and make the unmounting impossible without damaging the parts.
Shall you encounter difficulties during the building or the setup of the helicopter, you can reach Fabien from E-
Copter (A2Pro Helicopter Division) by e-mail at the following adress : fabien@e-copter.com.
You can as well leave a message on the E-Copter website mini forum and we encourage you to check that the
informations you are searching for are not already available on the website before contacting us.
A dedicated Dragonus Forum is available at
(link provided on this webpage) and will
cover French and English language.
We recommend you to read fully the manual once before starting the building of the helicopter, in order to get
used with the parts and building descriptions, and to check the basic security rules and advises written in the
end of the manual.
80% of beginners do not take care about these informations, and these are really important in order to start
flying in safe and good conditions. Do not forget that the time spent on the workbench to finalize a correct
building and setup is the time saved on the flying field to fix eventual problems caused by a too fast building
and approximate adjustments.
A helicopter is a precision mechanics and is in not a toy, the main rotor can spin up to 3000 RPM and even
more depending on the motors / battery used, and any forgotten detail could result in severe injuries or
damages, and by the way the destruction of the helicopter.
Building your model too fast will for sure help you to be the first on the flying field, but will as well help you to
be the first to come back home with a damaged model...
We recommend you to build the helicopter in a suitable area, and to use a workbench with elevated borders if
possible, to avoid small parts and screws to roll and fall out of the workbench during the assembly. It is never
funny to search for THE missing part under the workbench for hours to get the helicopter finished.
We wish you a nice building, and do not forget to work on a clean workplace and eventually on a plate with
small borders, to prevent the small screws or parts to slide/roll outside of the workplace on the carpet, this
happens all time and there is nothing more frustrating to search for the last little part on the floor....
If that manual seems incomplete or erratic in some ways, please send us an email at (
), so
we can keep it updated and corrected if necessary.
You can as well contact me (Fabien) on my cellphone ( Orange Number) at 0033 (0) if you need
any further assistance. The line is opened afternoon, evenings and Saturday when I'm available, in order to let
you have assistance with your model close to you ( not that easy at work ☺ )
Thank you for choosing an Rcer / A2pro Product !
The A2Pro /E-Copter Team