VI.2.1 Instrument with R/D button
Press 'R/D' button longer than 1 second to switch between 'radius' and 'diameter' mode.
VI.2.2 Instruments with 2 buttons
Add the half duplex adapter to the OPTO-RS cable.
Refer to the OPTO-RS manual and use command CHA*1, CHA*2 (see VIII Use with half duplex adapter).
Activate the fuction 'diameter' is not possible without the use of peripheral equipement.
A reset will deactivate it, but all the introduced parameters will be lost (Refer to
chapter XI).
Remove the battery for at least 30 seconds to reset the instrument to the factory default condition.
VI.3 Buttons disabled
VI.3.1 Use
Deactivate the [mode] button to prevent accidental modifications of the instrument set-up. The [set] button remains active.
V I . 2 . 2 . 1 W I T H H A L F D U P L E X A D A P T E R
V I . 2 . 2 . 2 W I T H O U T H A L F D U P L E X A D A P T E R