V . 5 . 2 . 2 I N S T R U M E N T S W I T H T O L E R A N C E I N D I C A T I O N S ( D I O D E S )
The lights display the condition of the measured component:
For internal measurements the red and yellow light are to be reversed (reject is over upper limit). It may be necessary to invert the action of the light signals
according to the measuring mode (internal and depth measurements).
In this case the introduction of the limits has to be reversed. (Introduce the lower limit instead of the upper limit).
V.5.3 Hold
Press quickly the [set] button.
Note: If the instrument is connected to a computer or printer using RS232 output, pressing the [set] button causes a data transmission.
Without cable connection, pressing the [set] button will freeze the displayed value (see also OPTO-RS instruction of use).
VI. Special functions
VI.1 Description
These functions are active for all these mode operations: measurement, references, minmax,tolerances.
They can be activated by remote command (with additional OPTO-RS half duplex adapter) or with the R/D button for instruments with 3 buttons.
VI.2 'Radius/diameter' function
This button allows a multiplication factor of *1 (for radius) or *2 (for diameter).