Required Equipment - Traxxas BLAST Instructions D'utilisation

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Thank you for purchasing a Traxxas Blast high-performance racing boat.
This manual contains the instructions you'll need to operate and maintain
your new Blast. Look over the manual and examine the Blast carefully
before running it. If for some reason you think the Blast is not what you
wanted, then do not continue any further. Your hobby dealer absolutely
cannot accept a Blast for return or exchange after it has been run.
Please read all of the operating instructions and precautions before
attempting to drive your new Blast. These instructions are written with
the assumption that this is your first radio controlled model. Even if you
are an experienced R/C enthusiast, it is important for you to read and
follow the procedures in this manual. Pay special attention to the
mechanical and safety precautions outlined in this manual.
If you have any questions about your new model, then call Traxxas'
technical support line at 1-888-TRAXXAS (1-888-872-9927 U.S. residents
only. Outside the U.S. call 972-265-8000). Technical support is available
Monday through Friday, from 8:30am to 9:00pm central time. We hope
that you will enjoy your Blast for many hours to come.

Required Equipment

To operate the Blast, you will need four (4) "AA" size batteries for your
Where to Run
Select a body of water (must be at least 10 inches deep) that is calm
and free of debris, tree stumps, moss, etc. Also, find a clean, stable area
of shoreline for launching. Be aware that some ponds restrict the use of
model boats. Always choose a launch site which is downwind so that
the wind and waves will drift the boat back to you if it should ever flip
over. Do not run the Blast in salt water.
Preparing to Run
Charging the Battery Pack
The included charger can be used to charge the included battery pack.
The battery pack should be removed from the vehicle before charging.
Do not leave the battery unattended while charging. It is normal for
the battery to become slightly warm as it nears full-charge, but
the battery should never become hot. If the battery becomes hot,
disconnect it from the charger immediately.
FCC Compliance
This device contains a module that complies with the limits for a Class B digital device as described in part 15
of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful
interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.
The limits for a Class B digital device are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference
in residential settings. This product generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy, and, if not operated
in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
The user is cautioned that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for
compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
Conformité avec la FCC (Commission fédérale des communications)
Ce dispositif contient un module conforme aux normes des dispositifs numériques classe B décrits dans la 15e
partie des règles de la FCC. Le fonctionnement en est assujetti aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) Ce dispositif ne
doit pas causer d'interférences nuisibles et (2) ce dispositif doit accepter toute interférence reçue, y compris les
interférences qui peuvent mener à un fonctionnement non souhaité.
Les normes des dispositifs numériques classe B sont conçues pour assurer une protection raisonnable contre
les interférences nuisibles dans les locaux résidentiels. Ce produit émet, utilise et peut rayonner de l'énergie
radioélectrique et, en cas de fonctionnement à l'encontre des instructions, peut causer des interférences nuisibles
aux radiocommunications.
L'utilisateur est averti que toute modification qui n'est pas expressément approuvée par la partie responsable de
la conformité peut annuler l'autorisation de l'utilisateur à actionner l'équipement.
Conformidad con la FCC
El presente dispositivo contiene un módulo que cumple con los límites para un dispositivo digital Clase B, según
se describe en la Parte 15 de las normas de la FCC (Federal Communications Commission, Comisión Federal
de Comunicaciones). Su operación se encuentra sujeta a las siguientes dos condiciones: 1) Este dispositivo no
puede causar interferencias dañinas y (2) este dispositivo debe aceptar cualquier interferencia recibida, incluidas
interferencias que puedan causar un funcionamiento no deseado.
Los límites de un dispositivo Clase B se encuentran diseñados para ofrecer protección razonable contra
interferencias dañinas en ambientes residenciales. Este producto genera, usa y puede irradiar ondas de
radiofrecuencia y, si no se lo opera de acuerdo con las instrucciones, puede causar interferencia dañina para las
Se informa al usuario que los cambios y modificaciones que no hayan sido expresamente aprobados por los
organismos pertinentes anularán la autoridad del usuario de usar el equipo.
Dieses Gerät enthält ein Modul, das die Grenzwerte für ein digitales Gerät der Klasse B wie in Teil 15 der FCC-
Bestimmungen beschrieben einhält. Der Betrieb unterliegt den folgenden Bedingungen: (1) Dieses Gerät darf
keine störenden Interferenzen verursachen und (2) dieses Gerät muss jegliche empfangenen Interferenzen
akzeptieren, einschließlich Interferenzen, die unerwünschte Funktionen verursachen können.
Die Grenzwerte für ein digitales Klasse-B-Gerät wurden entwickelt, um angemessenen Schutz vor schädlichen
Interferenzen in Wohnbereichen zu bieten. Dieses Produkt generiert, verwendet und kann Hochfrequenzenergie
ausstrahlen und wenn es nicht gemäß den Anweisungen verwendet wird, kann es schädliche Interferenzen für
Funkgeräte verursachen.
Der Benutzer wird darauf hingewiesen, dass Änderungen oder Modifikationen, die nicht von der für die
Konformität zuständigen Partei ausdrücklich genehmigt sind, zum Erlöschen der Erlaubnis, das Gerät zu
betreiben, für den Benutzer zur Folge haben kann.
Canada, Industry Canada (IC)
This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003 and RSS-210. This device complies with Industry
Canada license exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: This device may
not cause interference, and This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause
undesired operation of the device.
Canada, Industrie Canada (IC)
Cet appareil numérique de Classe B est conforme aux règlements canadiens ICES-003 et RSS-210. Cet appareil est
conforme aux normes RSS d'Industrie Canada exempts de licence. Le fonctionnement en est assujetti aux deux
conditions suivantes : Ce dispositif peut ne pas causer du brouillage et Ce dispositif doit accepter tout brouillage, y
compris ceux qui peuvent mener à un fonctionnement non souhaité de l'appareil.
Canada, Industry Canada (IC)
Este equipo digital clase B cumple con las normas canadienses ICES-003 y RSS-210. Este dispositivo cumple con las
normas exentas de licencia de Industry Canada. Su operación se encuentra sujeta a las siguientes dos condiciones:
1. Plug the charger into the wall. The LED on the charger should
glow green.
2. Connect the included battery pack to the charger output cord. The
LED will glow red indicating the battery is charging.
3. The battery should charge for approximately 8 ½ hours. The LED will
turn green when the battery is fully charged. Disconnect the battery
from the charger after charging.
Installing Transmitter Batteries
The transmitter requires 4 AA alkaline or
rechargeable batteries.
Opening the Hatch
The top hatch is held secure with
a rubber band. To open the top
hatch, pull it up and rotate it.
This will provide access to the
battery compartment and on/
off switch. For full access to the
radio compartment, unhook the rubber band from the top hatch.
Setting Up the Antenna
1. Slide the antenna wire
into the bottom of the
antenna tube until the
white tip of the antenna
is at the top of the tube
under the black cap.
2. Insert the base of the
tube into the antenna
post. Take care not to
crimp the antenna wire.
3. To prevent loss of radio range, do not kink or cut the black wire, do
not bend or cut the metal tip, and do not bend or cut the white wire
at the end of the metal tip.
Installing the Battery Pack
The included battery installs in the bow (front) of the boat. Remove
the foam block and slide the battery pack into the battery tray. Slide
the foam block back into place to secure the battery. The Blast is not
designed to use 7-cell (8.4 volt) battery packs.
Radio System Adjustment
Your radio system was pre-adjusted before it left the factory however,
the adjustment should be checked prior to running the Blast. These
instructions are for Traxxas radio systems only. If you installed your own
radio, refer to your radio system's instructions.
• Always turn your transmitter on first and off last. This procedure will
help to prevent your Blast from receiving stray signals from another
transmitter, or other source, and running out of control.
• Turn the transmitter switch on. The status LED on the transmitter
should be solid green (not flashing).
• Turn on the receiver switch inside the boat. The steering servo
should jump and move to its idle (neutral) position. Keep fingers and
obstacles away from the propeller.
Este dispositivo podría no causar interferencia, y debe aceptar cualquier interferencia, incluida la que pueda causa
el funcionamiento no deseado del dispositivo.
Kanada, Industry Canada (IC)
Dieses digitale Gerät der Klasse B erfüllt die Vorschriften der kanadischen ICES-003 und RSS-210. Dieses Gerät
erfüllt die Vorschriften der Industry Canada Lizenz mit Ausnahme des/r RSS-Norm(en). Der Betrieb unterliegt
den folgenden beiden Bedingungen: Dieses Gerät darf keine Interferenzen verursachen und dieses Gerät muss
unempfindlich gegen jegliche Interferenzen sein, auch solche Interferenzen, die einen unerwünschten Betrieb
des Geräts verursachen könnten.
Radio Frequency (RF) Exposure Information
The radiated output power of the Traxxas LP Device is below the Industry Canada (IC) radio frequency exposure
limits. The antenna for this transmitter must not be co-located with any other transmitters except in accordance
with FCC and Industry Canada multi-transmitter procedures. Co-location means having a separation distance of
less than 20 cm between transmitting antennas.
Informations concernant l'exposition aux fréquences radio (RF)
La puissance de sortie émise par l'appareil de sans fil est inférieure à la limite d'exposition aux fréquences radio
d'Industry Canada (IC). L'antenne de ce transmetteur ne doit pas être co-située avec tout autre transmetteur sauf
si cela est effectué en conformité avec les procédures de fonctionnement à transmetteurs multiples reconnues
par le FCC et Industrie Canada. La co-situation signifie que la distance séparant deux antennes de transmission
est de moins de 20 cm.
Información sobre exposición a la radiofrecuencia (RF)
La salida de potencia que es irradiada por el dispositivo Traxxas LP está por debajo de los límites de exposición a la
radiofrecuencia de Industry Canada (IC). La antena de este transmisor no debe estar colocalizada con ningún otro
transmisor, excepto según los procedimientos para varios transmisores indicados por la FCC e Industry Canada.
Colocalización significa que haya una distancia de separación menor de 20 cm entre las antenas de transmisión.
Funkfrequenz Belastungsinformation
Die Strahlungsleistung des Traxxas LP-Geräts liegt unter den Industry Canada (IC) Funkfrequenz-Belastungslimits.
Die Antenne für diesen Sender darf nicht mit anderen Sendern gleichzeitig betrieben werden. Es sei denn, es
erfolgt in Übereinstimmung mit den FCC- und Industry Canada Verfahren für mehrere Sender. Gleichzeitiges
Betreiben bedeutet einen Abstand von weniger als 20 cm zwischen den Antennen der Sender.


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