All generators are supplied with a declaration of
incorporation in ac cord ance with European rules and
regulations as provided in final pages of this manual.
Furthermore generators are supplied on the following
• they shall be used as power generators or for related
• they shall be used in one of the following applications:
- mobile (with or without canopy - for temporary power
- onboard (marine use); after certifi cation
- on commercial vehicles (freight transport / cold
storage, etc.);
- on rolling track (auxiliary power);
- on industrial vehicles (earth handling, hoisting, etc.);
- stationary installation (industrial, factory / plant);
- stationary installation (residential, commercial and
light industry, house / offi ce / hospital);
- energy management (cogeneration, peaks shaving);
- alternative energy schemes;
• the standard generators are designed to satisfy
"industrial" electromagnetic emission limits and
immunity standards. In the event that generators have
to comply with electromagnetic emission limitations
for residential, commercial and light industrial zones,
some additional accessories may be necessary;
• the installation wiring diagram requires that the
generator housing is con nect ed to the earth conductor,
using an adequately sized cable with a minimum
length possible;
• the use of any spare parts that are not genuine or
not expressly au thor ised shall free Sincro from any
warranty liability and any re spon si bil i ty con cern ing
conformity to regulations and relevant consequences;
• installation, aftersales assistance and maintenance
must be carried out by properly trained staff with a
knowledge of the provisions of EC di rec tives.
On delivery inspect the generator to check it has not
been damaged during transport or that no parts are
3.1 Control of ID plate
The generators can be identifi ed by their ID plate. The
ID plate must be checked and compared with order
specifi cations.
The Sincro Technical Offi ce is always available for
any clarifi cation.
The BL4-U AVR (Automatic Voltage Regulator) of
SK225-SK250 series, is supplied by the auxiliary
winding. AVR
acts on the exciter stator, directly
controlling the field generated by the main rotor by
means of the sequence exciter rotor - diode bridge -
main rotor.
The voltage regulator controls and keeps constant the
voltage of one phase.
Alternatively, the generator can be equipped with
a digital regulator type (AVR RD2). The RD2 AVR
regulator controls and maintains constant the average
voltage of all three phases.
As option on request, the AVR can be supplied by a
permanent magnet generator (PMG) instead of by
auxiliary winding.
A frequency control progressively deactivates the
machine when the drive engine speed drops below a
pre-set, adjustable threshold, preventing over-excitation
at low operating speeds and reducing the load engage
effects on the engine.