Before supplying your canopy your sales agent should make a general test flight and set the
brakes and speed system controls.
Brakes :
There should be a minimum 15 cm free play between the brakes released position and the
start of action on the canopy. This will prevent the trailing edge from being deformed when
using the speed system. It is better to have long brake line and to fly with a turn around the
Speed System :
This is foot operated. The A, B and C risers are pulled down with a differential, which protects
the profile from deformation. Using the accelerator to its full travel will give an increase of
around 10 km/h in speed. In all cases keep a light pressure on the brakes so as to be able to
feel movements of the canopy and to be able to anticipate and counter potential closures.
We advise you to gradually become familiar with your canopy by initially flying in calm
conditions on a site that you are experienced with. Before each flight make a thorough
pre-flight inspection, checking for any tears, tangling of the suspension lines, risers, all quick
links and the harness.
A few practise inflations in easy conditions will strengthen your trust in the handling of the
EPSILON 4 from the outset. This glider is not certified for powered acrobatic flight. Please fly
the glider within its limits and avoid extreme situations.
Start Check :
Lines free
Canopy open
Harness and helmet buckles properly closed (reserve parachute OK)
Wind direction and strength observed and evaluated.
Airspace and visibility OK