Butterfly (lying position)
Put the bench into its inclined position.
Hold your arms bent at right angles and
shoulder height and press the lower
arms against the arm cushions. Grip
the arm levers and press these together
until they meet in the middle. Return
to the starting position and repeat the
exercise in a uniform rhythm (upper and
inner chest muscles).
Take a seat on the device - both feet
are firmly fix in the base unit - Back is
gently press into a hollow back - pool
also backwards press - head in line
with your spine - a clear view straight
out - The weight with arms slightly bent
capture - Elbows on the Curl and the
upper arms too – select Top- / under-
hand grip - now pull the weight – not
tighten arms until end position - now
return the weight.
Knee bends with long dumbbell
Place the long dumbbell behind your
head on your shoulders and look up.
Keeping the trunk vertical, bend your
knees and go down as far as possible
to the squatting position; then return to
the starting position by pressing with
the thighs, keeping your back straight.
Having co
mpleted the exercise, replace the
long dumbbell on its rest.
Bench pressing
Lie on your back on the bench with
your knees bent. Grip the long dumb-
bell with your hands shoulder width
apart and press it upwards from the
chest until your arms are straight. Then
return slowly to the starting position
and repeat the exercise. This exercise
trains all the pectoral muscles as well
as the shoulders and triceps.
Leg stretching
Sit upright on the bench and hook your
feet under the lower cushioned bar of
the leg curler. Now raise your lower
legs as far as possible until they are ex-
tended. Then let your lower legs return
to their starting position (strengthening
of the femoral quadriceps).
Leg curling
Lie down prone and hook your heels
under the upper cushioned bar of
the leg curler. Now bend your legs
upwards towards the body and then
extend them again. This is an excellent
exercise for the rear femoral muscles
(leg biceps).
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