Rotel U4361CH Mode D'emploi page 29

Table des Matières


Les langues disponibles

Les langues disponibles

marked   " push   u p"   d ownwards   u ntil   i t   h as   c licked   s ecurely   i n   p lace   i n   t he   d isc.    
Place   the   disc   on   the   coupling   (13)   with   the   cutting/grating   side   facing   upwards  
and  lock  the  main  bowl  lid  (11)  in  place  as  per  the  instructions  and  then  connect  
the   m ains   p lug.  
Pour   t he   i ngredients   i nto   t he   f illing   s haft   a nd   p lace   t he   p usher   o n   t op.  
Press   the   switch   at   the   setting   you   want   and   press   the   ingredients   down   gently  
with   the   pusher.   Only   press   the   ingredients   down   slowly.   Pressing   down   harder  
does   n ot   s peed   u p   t he   p rocess.  
After   y ou   h ave   f inished   t his   s tage,   t urn   t he   a ppliance   o ff,   w ait   a   w hile   f or   t he   d isc  
to   s top   s pinning   a nd   t hen   t ake   t he   l id   o ff   t he   a ppliance.  
Never  use  the  cutting/grating  disc  to  chop/grind  meat,  soft  cheese,  candied  fruit,  
dried   f ruit   o r   j elly   s weets.  
The   appliance   processes   the   food   most   evenly   when   the   filling   shaft   is   well  
stocked.   So   for   example,   if   you   want   to   cut   your   carrots   into   even   slices,   do   not  
just   p lace   o ne   c arrot   i n   t he   s haft   b ut   s everal   n ext   t o   e ach   o ther.  
Mixing   l iquids  
Pureeing   f ruit,   v egetables,   d iets   a nd   b aby   f ood  
Chopping   u p   f ruit,   v egetables,   n uts,   d ried   w hite   b read   ( to   m ake   b read   c rumbs),   e tc.  
To   m ake   m ayonnaise,   s auces   a nd   m ousses.  
• HOW   T O   U SE   T HE   B LENDER   J AR   ( 3)I   F IGURE   C  
Take   off   the   cover   of   the   mixer   drive.   Put   the   blender   jar   (3)   on   it   and   turn   it  
clockwise   u ntil   i t   c licks   i nto   p lace.  
Place   t he   m ain   b owl   ( 12)   w ith   t he   l id   ( 11)   o n   t he   m otor   b ase   ( 7)   a nd   t urn   i t   t o   t he  
right   u ntil   i t   c licks   i nto   p lace.    
Caution:   When   using   the   blender   jar,   neither   the   universal   blade   nor   the  
cutting/grating  disc  should  be  inserted  in  the  main  bowl  (12).  The  lid  for  the  main  
bowl   s hould   a lways   b e   o n,   o therwise   t he   a ppliance   w ill   n ot   w ork.  
Cut   the   ingredients   into   lengths   of   2-­‐3   cm,   put   them   into   the   blending   jar   and  
place   t he   l id   f or   t he   b lender   j ar   ( 2)   o n   t op.  
Connect   the   mains   plug   and   turn   the   blender   on   using   the   pulse   switch   (P)   or  
settings   1 -­‐3   f or   a s   l ong   a s   i t   t akes   f or   y ou   t o   g et   t he   c onsistency   y ou   w ant.  
You   c an   u se   t he   m easuring   c up   ( 8)   t o   e mpty   t he   l iquid   c ontent.  
After  you  have  finished  this  stage,  turn  the  appliance  off  and  take  the  blender  jar  
off   t he   m otor   b ase.  
Gebrauchsanweisung     ○     M ode   d 'emploi     ○     I struzioni   p er   l 'uso     ○     I nstruction   f or   u se  


Table des Matières

Table des Matières