Make sure they are present and readable; otherwise, replace or apply them. They can be requested
from Visam s.r.l. Technical Customer Service Dept. (Fig. 03-01).
It is imperative to comply with the information shown in the identification plate and decals. Failure
to do so may result in death or serious damage to people and/or things.
Visam s.r.l. hereby disclaims any liability towards third parties for injuries or damage to people
and/or things resulting from removal or replacement of the original identification plate and decals
located on the Vibrator. (Fig. 03-01).
General information
The Vibrator, according to its classification under Directive 2006/42/CE, paragraph 2.4, cannot
be put into operation until the machine or the unit on which it is installed is declared compliant
with said Directive.
Failure to comply with the information contained in this manual may be detrimental in terms of
people's health and safety and economic damage.
It is forbidden to start-up the machine on which the Vibrator is installed unless all the prescribed
protective covers are in place. (Fig.03-03).
It is forbidden to touch, carry out any instruction contained in this documentation or effectuate
any intervention on the Vibrator while the machine on which it is installed is running; the Vibrator
generates intense vibrations and can reach extremely high temperatures (Fig. 03-04).
Since the Vibrator generates high external temperatures during operation, the manufacturer must
provide for appropriate protections, if needed, to prevent the operator from coming into direct
contact with the Vibrator.
Before touching, carrying out any instruction contained in this manual or carrying out any intervention
on the Vibrator, make sure it is disconnected from the power line and made safe also to prevent an
explosion risk and make sure it cannot be started–up accidentally or by unauthorized personnel.
Besides this, because of the inertia of the rotating masses and the high working temperature, it is
necessary to wait until the Vibrator comes completely to a stop and the temperature has dropped
below +40°C (+105 °F) (Fig. 03-05).
Do not approach the Vibrator in the presence of open flames or similar ignition sources.
Make sure the qualified personnel in charge of carrying out any type of intervention (described
in this manual) on the Vibrator, are in possession of all the necessary requisites according to the
law in force in the country where the machine is installed and put into operation.
Besides adopting the rules of good workmanship, all the information contained in this manual must
be carefully read, understood and applied rigorously.
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REV.0 | 09/2015