15.4 Adjust drill spindle distance
Citoborma 290AB and 290B
The drill spindle distance can be ad-
justed continuously from 45 mm to
160 mm.
• Turn hand wheel (4) until the de-
sired distance is reached
• The distance is displayed in the
window (3) of cover (1)
16 Operation of sliding table
16.1 Adjustment of edge distance
The back stop (23) indicates the
distance from the centre of the drill
hole to be drilled to the edge of the
material on scale (24)
• Loosen the wing nuts (25) on both
sides of the table.
• Move the back stop with wing nut
(26) into the desired position.
• Retighten the wing nuts (25) on
both sides of the table.
16.2 Positioning of paper
A drill underlay (special cardboard)
is laid on the sliding table and a pa-
per stack on top of it in such a way
that it lays completely against the
back stop (23) The stack is then
centered by the two side stops (27)
The lever next to the right side stop
locks the position. The left side stop
can be hidden underneath the table
in order to position the paper diago-
nally on the table. The left side stop
becomes accessible again if the
right side stop is moved to it's outer
most position. In the starting posi-
tion the sliding table must be posi-
tioned that the stop set collar which
sits completely to the right on the
stop bar knocks against the stop of
lever (28). The right hand operates
the hand lever (28). The left hand
pushes the paper lightly and con-
tinuously against the side and back
stops during the drilling process.