Mechanical installation
Important precautions during
S Handle the transducer with care.
S Use suitable lifting equipment for installation.
S Use support bodies (dummies) identical in height dur
ing alignment if necessary.
S Welding currents must not be allowed to flow over the
transducer. If there is a risk that this might happen,
you must provide a suitable low-ohm connection to
electrically bypass the transducer. HBM, for example,
provides the highly flexible EEK ground cable, which
can be screwed on above and below the transducer.
S Make sure that the transducer cannot be overloaded.
S The optional outer braided wire cable covering for
some C16A (e.g. with item numbers
1-C16A3C3/30t/L2R, 1-C16A2C3/40t/L2R or for the
configurable C16A with option 20R), is designed for
use when there is increased mechanical stress (e.g.
caused by gnawing rodents). If this cable is used, the
outer braided wire has to be connected to potential
equalization at least once, to avoid accidental ener
gization. This outer braided wire is not used to shield
the load cell. The inner braid of the load cell cable is
used for shielding (also refer to 7.5 EMC protection).
A1460-4.0 HBM: public
Mechanical installation