Start / End channel search
Resuming search for a channel
Excluding a channel
If a channel found during the channel search process should not be
considered for subsequent use, it can be excluded. All the channels
are taken into consideration again when a new channel search is
a, ;
Sending ringing tones
The ringing tones indicate to other subscribers that you want to talk
to them. A condition for this is that the other subscribers are using
the same channel and CTCSS code.
a, C
Selecting/Deactivating ringing tones
There are 10 ringing tones available for selection. To deactivate the
ringing tone, select the setting 0".
M, M, M,
[ 4 ], :, P
The Monitor function enables the search for weak signals on the
channel currently set. If a weak signal is received, switch to a free
channel. Always communicate with other subscribers on a free
channel to prevent interference.
a, N
b, N
Operating the Walkie−Talkies
The channel set at the beginning of a channel search
cannot be excluded.
Start/End the channel search
Continue the search for a channel
The channel is excluded and the
channel search automatically
Send the ringing tone
Send up to ten ringing tones
Select the ringing tone and
confirm it
Monitor the channel
End the monitoring function