A D J U S T M E N T S , R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S
- when the lower shrouds have been tightened and the
intermediate shrouds adjusted , the pre-bend value
should be approximately half the mast section depth
(about 10/12 cm for a 35'). This value can increase to
one mast section depth if required;
- adjust the running backstays to finish, as they work in
opposition to the rest of the rig;
- when the back angle of the spreaders is
on the running backstay is high, in order to support the mast backwards;
- If the rear angle of the spreaders is
support the mast lengthways and the tension on the backstay does not need
to be so high. However, be careful not to exceed the limit to avoid a mast
Tension of fractional rigging with
in-line spreaders
- proceed as in section 13.3. Note:
- The rigging with in-line spreaders is adjusted as with
top rigging, the only difference being the
addition of backstays for the tension of the forestay;
- The mast should always be adjusted with a
certain bend forwards/backwards, otherwise the
curve of the mast may be inverted
particularly in strong winds.
w w w . s p a r c r a f t . c o m
the babystays adjust the bend of the mid-sec-
tion of the mast. If they are too tight in rela-
tion to the backstays, they can cause the
inversion of the mast bend.
15°, the tension required
15°, the spreaders will also
void a negative
1/2 L.
1 L.
bend ("curved
/ 19