Adjusting the eyepieces
Before the first examination, the eyepieces should be adjusted
singly to correspond with the refraction divergence of the
examiner. Insert the provided focusing rod (39) in place of the
protective cover (40) with the flat projection surface facing the
microscope. Line up the illumination unit and the microscope
in the central position (0°).
Adjust each eyepiece separately, by turning the knurled ring
with the diopter scale separately, until the projected slit is seen
in focus. Adjust from (+) to (-) at low magnification.
Younger examiners are recommended to make an additional
correction on both eyepieces of - 1 to - 2 diopters each, to
compensate for the accommodation that occurs as a result
of convergence when conducting binocular examinations.
The requisite pupil distance on the microscope can then be
The adjustable eyecup (41) serves to set up the correct wor-
king distance of the examiner to the eyepiece.
For examiners without spectacles: pull out the eyecup fully
to the extended position.
For examiners wearing spectacles: push in the eyecup fully
to the retracted position.
Prepare the patient
• The height of the table must be selected to enable the patient
to obtain a firm rest for the forehead and chin.
• In order to ensure that only that part of the eye to be examined
is illuminated and to avoid disturbing glare, the height of the
light beam should be appropriately adjusted.
• Those parts of the equipment coming into contact with patients
should be cleaned with a dry cloth before each examination.
• The light intensity should be reduced to a minimum on com-
pletion of each examination. This extends the life of the light
bulb, slit lamp and protects the patient from severe glare at
the beginning of an examination (not for LI 900
Operating the instrument
1. Move the chin rest (43) up or down with the adjustment screw
(44) until the eyes of the patient are level with the black mark
on the headrest column (42).
2. Focus the eyepieces (45) to suit your refraction by turning the
knurled rings and then set to your interpupillary distance.
© Haag-Streit AG, 3098 Koeniz, Switzerland