VII. Questions & answers
Is the gutta percha of HEROfill
a conventional gutta percha?
Chemically yes, but physically no. The HEROfill
Natural GP™ gutta percha
is a so-called "alpha phase" gutta percha, modified with a special heating
process by the manufacturer. When heated the Natural GP™ gutta percha
becomes soft and highly adhesive.
How much working time do I have after removing the obturator from the
Generally about 15-30 seconds, which is usually sufficient to insert the
obturator into the root canal.
What is the setting time of the gutta percha?
The gutta percha cools and becomes rigid once again after about 3-4
Can I reheat an obturator?
Yes, if it is not used during a procedure, simply leave it in the Oven until it
has cooled before storing it.
Why do I have to use a "non-eugenol" sealer?
The problem is not so much the eugenol as that most eugenol containing
sealers are very heat sensitive. They have a tendency to set very quickly
when heat is applied to them. This could prevent the obturator from seating
completely if the sealer "snap-sets" on contact with warm gutta percha.
Why do you call your gutta percha Natural GP™? Isn't all gutta percha
The actual raw gutta percha component is generally pure. However, what
the manufacturer adds to it to make "dental" gutta percha can vary. We
guarantee our gutta percha to be free of all potentially toxic elements, such
as Cadmium (sometimes used for colouring), to insure only the purest and
safest material is used for your patients.