V. Post Space preparation
Post space creation can be accomplished by removing the coronal portion of
the obturation. Since 6 mm of the plastic core is hollow, this procedure
should be easier compared to solid core obturators. Smooth round burs,
preferably a ball burnisher with no cutting flutes, are the most effective
since they do not cut, but instead "melt" the gutta percha and central core
by friction. Cutting burs may be used, but care should be taken to prevent
Using a round bur, or ball
1. Use a high speed hand piece with water coolant.
2. Begin with the largest size round bur that will fit in the access opening of
the canal without touching the walls.
3. Place the bur in the centre of the hollow core using a gentle, relaxed
pressure. Intermittently pulse the foot controller to allow the bur to
remove or melt the plastic core.
4. Change to smaller diameter burs as the canal tapers to prevent damage
to the walls until the desired depth is reached.
VI. Retreatment
Removal of the obturator is relatively simply prior to the gutta percha
cooling. Simply grasp the excess core with cotton pliers and remove it.
Once the gutta percha has cooled, or for retreatment at a later
appointment, removal is best achieved by using a peeso (or similar) bur at
very low speeds (300-400 rpm). The core will simply pull out in a few
seconds. Remove the gutta percha by traditional means (ideally with R-