Design category and limitations of use
This inflatable boat has been designed for specific weather conditions. It is
your own responsibility to understand which category your boat belongs to:
Category A: Boat designed for conditions may exceed wind force 8
(Beaufort scale) and significant wave heights of 4 meters and above, and
vessels largely self-sufficient.
Category B: Boat designed for conditions up to, and including wind force 8
(Beaufort scale) and significant wave heights up to, and including, 4 meters
may be experienced.
Category C: Boat designed for conditions up to, and including wind force 6
(Beaufort scale) and significant wave heights up to, and including 2 meters
may be experienced.
Category D: Boat designed for conditions up to, and including wind force 4
(Beaufort scale) and significant wave height may reach 0.3 m, with
occasional waves of maximum height equal to 0.5 m.
The design category of your inflatable boat is indicated on the Builder Plate
and on the Conformity Certification attached.