9. Teaching-in of MAX! components
In order to enable communication between MAX! com-
ponents, the devices have to be taught-in to one another.
Once you have taught-in MAX! Radiator Thermostats di-
rectly with the Wall Thermostat, they will adopt the current
settings from it (e.g. mode, temperature, week programme).
The Wall Thermostat will pass on all commands and set-
tings to the taught-in devices in a radial pattern. After
teaching-in the Wall Thermostat with the MAX! Cube all
configurations and changes can be conveniently carried
out through the MAX! PC software. The allocation to the
rooms or the distribution of commands and settings to other
devices will occur automatically.
To teach-in your components proceed as follows:
• First switch the teach-in partner, e.g. the MAX!
Cube, to teach-in mode.
• Now enable the teach-in mode on the MAX! Wall
Thermostat by pressing and holding down the OK
• The antenna symboll ( ) is displayed, along with
the teach-in time remaining in seconds. The teach-
in time is 30 seconds.
• After teaching-in was successfull, the Wall Ther-
mostat switches into the standard operating mode.
Teach-out can only be performed by factory reset.
When networking with the MAX! Cube, all individu-
ally programmed settings of the MAX! Wall Thermo-
stat will be lost.