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Hürner Hydr. 355 Manuel Utilisateur page 18


• The cover caps of the hydraulic lines have to be closed during
transport in order to prevent contaminants and humidity from
entering the hydraulic and control unit.
• Mains power suppliers' wiring regulations, VDE provisions, DIN / CE
regulations, and applicable national legislation have to be re-
• Without prior authorization by the manufacturer, modifications
to the product are unacceptable.
Parts Under Power
After opening the machine or removing the cover, parts of
it are accessible that may be under power. The machine may
be opened exclusively by an authorized service shop.
Pipe Facing Tool
Start the pipe facing tool only after it was inserted into the
machine and carry it only by the handle, never by the disk
It is unacceptable to remove shavings from the machine while
the facing process is in progress. Make sure nobody is present
in this danger zone.
Heating Element
When working with the machine, be extremely cautious while
the heating element is used. Since the heating element pres-
ents a temperature of more than 200°C during the welding
process, it is absolutely indispensable that operators wear
suitable protective gloves. Bear in mind that the heating
element will remain hot for a while after it was turned off.
Danger of Bruises and Injury
Do not remain in the danger zone while the machine car-
riage moves apart or closes in, and be sure not to have your
arms or legs between the moving and the fixed carriage of
the machine.
Acceptable Work Conditions
The work zone has to be clean and has to have proper light-
ing. It is dangerous to operate while it is raining, in a humid
environment, or close to flammable liquids. In regard of this,
acceptable work conditions have to be ensured (tent, heat-
ing, etc.).
User's Manual
The User's Manual has to be available at any time on the site
where the machine is used. If the User's Manual becomes
incomplete or unreadable, replace it without delay. Feel free
to contact us for assistance.
Owner and Operator Obligations
• The machine may be operated exclusively by persons who are
familiar with the applicable regulations, the guidelines for the
prevention of accidents, and the User's Manual. The owner/man-
ager shall provide the worker operating the machine with the
User's Manual and shall make sure that the operator reads and
understands it.
• The machine may be operated only when observed. Welders must
have been briefed properly on the operation of the machine or
must have participated in a dedicated training. The operating/
HÜRNER Manual Hydr. 355 User's Manual
H Ü R N E R S c h w e i s s t e c h n i k G m b H
Nieder-Ohmener Str. 26
35325 Mücke, Germany
Version October 2020

