Instruction CF-RC Remote Controller
In the Service menu, activate the Standby temperature function
with OK in order to set a xed room temperature for all the Room
Thermostats to 5 – 35°C when the Global standby input is activated on
the Master Controller (see instruction for Master Controller, CF-MC for
installation details).
Here you can adjust the contrast of the Remote Controller display.
Link test:
Activates a link test to the Master Controller to test the wireless trans-
mission to and from the Remote Controller (see 3).
Identify Master Controller:
This function enables you to identify one speci c Master Controller in a
system of up to three Master Controllers. When this function is activat-
ed, the Master Controller, whose identity you wish to reveal, will ash
all the output LEDs from 1 to 10 and back again several times for easy
identi cation.
Produced by Danfoss Floor Heating Hydronics 09.2005