Instruction CF-RC Remote Controller
5.2.2 Setback program:
In the Program setback menu, you have the opportunity to divide the
di erent rooms into up to six di erent zones - each zone with up to
three di erent setback programs for reduced room temperature at dif-
ferent times during the day.
Each zone has a screen showing the rooms included in the zone. This
provides access to an Options menu with an Add room function and
three Setback programs (up to).
Add room:
In this menu, all the rooms are followed by a ( ) indicating to what zone
). As default, all the
each room has been allocated (see gure below
rooms are assigned to Zone 1. If new zones are created, the rooms will
be moved from the zone to which they are allocated to the new zone
(from zone 1 to zone 3 in the gure below).
Produced by Danfoss Floor Heating Hydronics 09.2005