Please note: this bike is designed for offroad use. The following uses are
inappropriate and should be avoided: Descent, Dirt Jump, Freeride, Enduro.
(Risk of accident and cancellation of the bike guarantee if you do not comply
with this condition)
Warning, in the event of wheel removal, you must ensure the direction of
rotation of your wheel is correct.
Before each use you must make sure that your brakes and electric system
are working properly
The weight, power, manufacturing year and maximum speed are indicated on
your bicycle's frame.
As the weight of your bike with electric assistance exceeds 15kg, we recom-
mend that 2 persons transport it.
Always wear a helmet when riding your bike.
These electric bikes are designed for persons aged 14 and over.
Maximum weight allowed on the bike: 120 kg in total (including accessories)
Never modify the bike's components or electrical system! Any change is
dangerous and prohibited by law.
If a modified bike breaks down or is damaged, Decathlon will in no case take
care of repairs (warranty cancelled)). You will also be legally responsible for
any accident that arises with the bike.
Caution: in rain, frost, or snow, you may have less tyre traction.