Only a qualified contractor should carry out installation, commis-
sioning, maintenance and repair of the appliance.
General safety instructions
We guarantee trouble-free function and operational reliability only
if original accessories and spare parts intended for the appliance
are used.
Material losses
Observe the maximum inlet temperature. Higher tem-
peratures may damage the appliance. You can limit
the maximum inlet temperature by installing a central
thermostatic valve (see chapter "Appliance description /
WARNING Electrocution
This appliance contains capacitors which are discharged
when disconnected from the power supply. The capacitor
discharge voltage may briefly exceed 60 V DC.
Shower operation
f When supplying a shower, set the internal an-
ti-scalding protection to 55 °C or less; see chapter
"Commissioning / Preparations".
If operating with preheated water, e.g. if using a solar
thermal system, observe the following information:
- The DHW temperature may exceed the set tempera-
ture or a set temperature limit.
- The dynamic anti-scalding protection between the
appliance and a wireless remote control may not be
f In such cases, limit the temperature with an up-
stream central thermostatic valve (e.g. ZTA 3/4).
Instructions, standards and regulations
Observe all applicable national and regional regulations
and instructions.
- The IP 24 / IP 25 protection rating can only be ensured with a
correctly fitted cable grommet.
- The specific electrical resistivity of the water must not fall
below that stated on the type plate. In a linked water net-
work, factor in the lowest electrical resistivity of the water.
Your water supply utility will advise you of the specific elec-
trical water resistivity or conductivity.
Appliance description
Standard delivery
The following are delivered with the appliance:
- Wall mounting bracket
- Installation template
- 2 twin connectors
- 3-way ball shut-off valve for cold water
- Tee for domestic hot water
- Flat gaskets
- Strainer
- Plastic profile washer
- Plastic connection pieces/installation aid
- Cover and back panel guides
- Jumper for internal anti-scalding protection
- Jumper for output changeover (only on DEL 18/21/24 Plus)
Wireless remote control
- FFB 4 Set EU
- MEKD mono lever kitchen pressure tap
- MEBD mono lever bath pressure tap
Plugs G ½ A
If you use taps other than the recommended pressure taps on
finished walls, please use the plugs.
Installation set for finished walls
- Solder fitting – copper pipe for soldered connection Ø 12 mm
- Press-fit fitting – copper pipe
- Press-fit fitting – plastic pipe (suitable for Viega: Sanfix-Plus
or Sanfix-Fosta)
Universal mounting frame
- Mounting frame with electrical connections
Pipe assembly for undersink appliances
You will need the undersink installation set if you make the water
connections (G ⅜ A) at the top of the appliance.
Pipe assembly for offset installation
Use this pipe assembly if you intend to offset the appliance by up
to 90 mm downwards from the water connection.
Pipe assembly for replacing a gas water heater
You will need this pipe assembly set if the existing installation
has gas water heater connections (cold water connection on the
left-hand side, DHW connection on the right-hand side).
Pipe assembly for DHB water plug-in couplings
Use the water plug-in couplings if the existing installation contains
water plug-in connections from a DHB water heater.
DEL Plus |