Before using the wheelchair, please read this user manual carefully. Incorrect use of the wheelchair can lead to health disorder, injury or accidents.
Therefore, in order to use your wheelchair safely and successfully, please read this manual carefully.
Persons suff ering from diseases, dysfunc ons or injuries for the treatment/rehabilita on or compensa on of which this device is intended (see
sec on on intended use of the device in this instruc on manual). The device can be purchased by the user on their own or on the recommenda on
of a doctor, therapist or other specialist. Whether you purchase the device yourself or on the recommenda on of a doctor/therapist/other specialist,
you must take into account the available sizes/necessary func ons and variants of the device, the indica ons and contraindica ons for use and the
informa on provided by the manufacturer.
• When entering or leaving the wheelchair, make sure that both brakes are applied.
• When the wheelchair is not being pushed or used, make sure both brakes are applied.
• Be careful when approaching curbs and making turns on a slope.
• Steep and uneven surfaces should be avoided as this may cause the wheelchair to p over.
• Avoid so surfaces as the wheels may collapse.
• Move the wheelchair smoothly under all condi ons.
• Always observe your surroundings to iden fy hazards, such as furniture, doors, potholes, slopes, curbs, entrances, etc.
• Always keep both feet on the footrests and ensure that clothing is properly tucked away and does not block the wheels.
• Always move carefully uphill.
• Always keep both hands on the push handles to control the wheelchair properly (for the assistant).
• Always remember to keep your balance.
• Regularly inspect the frame and components of your wheelchair, and always follow the instruc ons set in this manual during and a er the
warranty period.
• Keep the wheelchair away from fi re sources
• Store the wheelchair away from fi re sources.
• Under no circumstances should the wheelchair be overloaded.
• Do not hang any heavy objects on the back of the wheelchair as this may aff ect the stability of the wheelchair, especially when climbing slopes.
• Only one person may use the wheelchair.
• Do not use the wheelchair while the pa ent is unconscious.
• Do not use any other means of transport to push the wheelchair.
• Do not raise the front wheels while driving, as this may cause a fall and serious injury.
• Do not get into the wheelchair while it is in mo on.
• Do not move the wheelchair too fast and do not make sudden turns.
• Do not drive the wheelchair across a slope (in any direc on) greater than 7 degrees.
• Do not stand on the footrests when entering or leaving the wheelchair.
• Do not use the trolley to climb stairs, either alone or with an a endant.
• Do not a empt to li the wheelchair with moving (dismountable) parts. Li ing with the moving parts of the wheelchair can lead to injury to the
user and / or caregiver or damage to the wheelchair.
• The wheelchair must not be used with the backrest folded down. This changes the center of gravity of the wheelchair and may cause the
wheelchair to p over backwards. The backrest should only be folded down when storing or transpor ng the wheelchair.
• Do not hang any objects on the rear connector as this may cause the backrest to fold down and seriously injure the user.
Entrances, doors
The safest way to operate the wheelchair is on a horizontal fl oor free from any obstacles. Whenever possible, use the ramps when entering or exi ng
the building. Keeping your hands on the push handles allows you to maintain maximum balance. Do not force yourself to avoid obstacles by driving,
and never use the side of the door to push yourself away.
Leaning over
Do not lean out to the side of the wheelchair as this may cause you to lose your balance and fall.
Naviga ng hills
• Do not turn on slopes because of the risk of pping over.
• When assis ng, go straight up. If you need to go downhill, walk backwards un l the user is on level ground.
• If possible, always use the help of an a endant (in the event of moving with the a endant, the stroller must be equipped with handles for
• Avoid heavy jol ng when driving off the curb. Shocks may adversely aff ect the wheelchair.
• Under no circumstances should you a empt to climb over the curb above the normal height.
• Always exercise cau on when passing curbs or turning on a hill, and never reverse the wheelchair without the assistance of an a endant.
• Two or more a endants should always be used. Tilt the wheelchair to the point of balance. One of the a endants (at the back) holds the
wheelchair on the fi rst step with his arms fi rmly raised. The second a endant, holding the fi xed part of the front frame, li s the wheelchair above
the steps, while the fi rst a endant places one foot on the next step and repeats the ac on.
• It is not allowed to move on stairs in forward direc on.
• Do not use escalators. Use an elevator.
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