3. Ope ra ti on
3.4 Op er a tion
Ac ci dent haz ard!
The ma chine drives off im me di ately af ter start-up.
Keep a strong hold on the ma chine.
Haz ard from cou pling dam age.
Op er ate the ma chine only at full throt tle and at idle
dur ing pauses.
Start the en gine.
The vi bra tion plate can be op er ated as soon as the en gine re -
acts to brief ac cel er a tion.
Set the en gine ac cel er a tor le ver to «MAX».
The op er a tor's cor rect place is be hind the ma chine.
Guide the ma chine by the drawbar and steer it by shift ing it
side ways.
In tight spaces, the drawbar (1) can be folded for ward to the stop.
The drawbar (1) can be locked in work po si tion (2)
Op tion Bogie